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04-16-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-16-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-16-85 <br />A. Step 3 Engineering Agreement for 201 Program <br />PAGE 5 <br />1 The Engineer provided a status report on the 201 Project. The <br />Engineer reported that the MPCA Review Engineer assigned to the Lake <br />Elmo project stated that the plan review is still one to two weeks <br />away from being complete. At this point, the Engineer expressed his <br />concern about a timely start of this project in the summer. He now <br />feels that August would be the earliest possible starting time of this <br />project. <br />The Engineer recommended, however, that the City should still proceed <br />with the things it must do to keep the project moving. The next item <br />would be to review the engineering agreement for Step 3 services. <br />Step 3 includes land acquisition, bidding, construction inspection and <br />after construction performance and maintenance procedures. The <br />Engineer explained that the proposed contract is in the same form as <br />the Steps 1 and 2 contracts; that is a "cost reimbursement plus fixed <br />fee". With this method, the work tasks are itemized and an estimate <br />of the number of hours of personnel time it will take to accomplish <br />the task. If it takes less effort to complete a task than <br />anticipated, the City only pays for the work performed. <br />The MPCA requires that an unexecuted copy of the engineering agreement <br />be submitted for their review and approval prior to the City and the <br />Consultant signing the document. The Engineer then reviewed the <br />proposed agreement and supplemental data and asked that he be allowed <br />to forward a copy to the MPCA to begin their review process. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Armstrong - To instruct the Engineer to forward a copy <br />of the engineering agreement to the MPCA to begin the review process, <br />with the condition that any possible revisions to the agreement will <br />be discussed at the next City Council meeting. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />B. Update on Surface Water Problems <br />Mr. Banks, a resident that lives on Deer Pond, pointed out that someone <br />slashed and removed the sandbags on the weir coming into the Pond. He <br />would like to see some better security in the interim period until the <br />lake levels can be reduced as Deer Pond cannot accept a lot of water. <br />Scotty Lyall suggested (and the Council agreed) that a sign be placed <br />at the site of the weir noting that it is a criminal act to tamper <br />with or remove the sandbags. The staff will check into the legality <br />of placing such a sign. <br />The City Engineer pointed out the problem at the 32nd Street Pond. <br />This pond has been coming up for the past year, or more. Presently, a <br />portion of the end of the blacktop is covered with water, and there is <br />a barricade at the end of the street that is out into the water. <br />Another concern is that a resident, Edna Ruppert, 11279 32nd Street <br />cannot use her driveway because the pond has now encroached and <br />covered part of her driveway (about 1/2 foot of water). <br />The Engineer stated that a few loads of clean, crushed aggregate would <br />provide a driveway access from the street right-of-way into the <br />Ruppert proerty. This could be done for approximately $150. Another <br />
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