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04-16-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-16-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-16-85 PAGE 6 <br />possibility is that the Reid Park Pond is about one foot lower than <br />the 32nd Street Pond, and the area between the two is about thirty <br />foot wide. So it is possible to remove about one foot of water off of <br />the 32nd Street Pond. It is more expensive as we would have to either <br />cut a culvert or pump the water thru the ridge, and some of the gravel <br />trails that were constructed around the Reid Park Pond a couple of <br />years ago would be underwater, and there is some investment there. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To bring in crushed rock to make sure that the <br />fire hydrant on 32nd Street remains accessable to the fire department. <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />Morgan suggested that if a gravity hose could reduce the 32nd Street <br />Pond without killing any significant trees around the Reid Park Pond, <br />this too would be appropriate. The City Engineer will look at this <br />possibility. <br />Regarding the Beutel Pond situation, the Engineer stated that in 1980, <br />the City constructed a valved outlet from Beutel Pond. This <br />construction was mainly for the immediate benefit of the Jamaca Court <br />residents. When the City received the DNR permit to construct the <br />outlet, one of the conditions was that to release water from Beutel <br />Pond the requirement would be that we would be able to store it on <br />Eagle Point. The present condition of Eagle Point is that it is <br />overflowing over the sandbagged weir, it is about three inches over <br />the maximum safe level for the dyke, and at this time he recommended <br />that the City not permit a release from Beutel Pond. The situation of <br />Beutel.Pond is that it is approximately 2-1/4 feet above its outlet, <br />but it has not yet reached the level at which we initiated pumping a <br />number of years ago before the outlet was constructed. <br />Regarding Legion Pond, the Engineer reported that this pond continues <br />to increase in elevation and that some neighbors have contacted a <br />contractor to have an earthen dike constructed to protect their <br />walkout levels. <br />C. 1985,MSA Update <br />The Engineer displayed a map of the proposed 1985 MSA construction. <br />program which is Lower 33rd Street from Lake Elmo Avenue to Klondike <br />Avenue. The City Council has previously ordered a feasibility study <br />to be prepared on this road. During the topography survey phase, it <br />was determined that the existing right-of-way is 33' wide. The MSA <br />standard for right-of-way is 60' minimum. To acquire the addiional <br />27' of additional right-of-way would involve the taking of two <br />buildings and the severe reduction in the setback of a third building. <br />The Engineer explained that the planned roadway section forMis street <br />is 28, wide from curb to curb with no parking on either side of the <br />street allowed. <br />There is a variance procedure for requesting deviations from State Aid <br />standards. The Engineer recommended that the necessary process be <br />started to request a variance from the right-of-way with standards. <br />The alternative would be to simply abandon the State Aid project which <br />would mean that Lower 33rd Street would have to be reconstructed with <br />all -local funda. - _ <br />
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