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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-16-85 PAGE 9 <br />It is Mr. Schaefer's belief that all types of alcoholic beverages <br />should be prohibited from use in Washington County Parks and <br />( Recreation Areas, in particular the 2,200 acre Lake Elmo Regional Park <br />Reserve. His reason for this is that when Washington County taxpayers <br />are contributing many hundreds of thousands of dollars to the <br />enforcement of drunk driving laws, to the treatment of alcoholic and <br />chemical dependency programs, and to the prevention of further abuse <br />in these areas, it would smack of hypocrisy for the elected officials <br />to condone the use of alcoholic beverages in our parks, <br />notwithstanding the fact that it is intoxicating or non -intoxicating. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Armstrong - That the City Administrator advise County <br />Commissioner Artie Schaefer that the Lake Elmo City Council concurs <br />with his concerns for prohibiting the use of intoxicating or <br />non -intoxicating beverages in the Lake Elmo Regional Park Reserve. <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />3. Hiring of Administrative Secretary <br />Dunn stated that the personnel committee has been dissolved and the <br />Council, as a committee of the whole, will be dealing with personnel. <br />In this Secretary position, it wouldn't be necessary for the entire <br />Council to interview the applicants, but would prefer to see several <br />Council members involved in the interview process, and ultimately <br />making a recommendation. He would like to see Rose Armstrong do this <br />interviewing, based on the fact that she has done secretarial/office <br />type work, and also Mayor Morgan as he is well seasoned in the area of <br />interviewing and hiring employees. <br />Mazzara stated that he feels this is something that should be handled <br />by the Administrator, but has no problem with the Council members <br />hiring for his position if they chose to do so. <br />Morgan stated that the Administrator could do the screening and he and <br />Rose could help with the final selection. <br />The Administrator stated that the last time a secretary was hired, <br />there was just one round of interviews. <br />Morgan then suggested that he and Rose interview the canidate that the <br />Administrator selects, prior to actually hiring her. <br />Armstrong feels that the most important factor is that we speed the <br />process up. <br />9. City Administrator's Report <br />A. Board of Review Schedule <br />The Board of Review is scheduled to take place in the City Council <br />chambers on Thursday, May 16, 1985 from 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. As two <br />Council members should be present at all times during this time, the <br />following schedule was set: <br />Bruce Dunn and Rose Armstrong -'2:30 to 5:00 <br />