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04-16-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-16-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-16-85 PAGE 8 <br />April 2, 1985 in which it is stated that the total estimated <br />preliminary cost for this project is $15,120. The decision before the <br />Council is to risk this $15,120 in preliminary costs to proceed with <br />the petition, to ask VBWD to reconsider the petition as it was <br />presented with a $5000 preliminary fund, or to withdraw the petition. <br />Morgan stated that he does not feel that the additional study (and <br />cost) will give VBWD any more confidence in ordering the project. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Christ - To withdraw the petition to VBWD to pump <br />excess water from Sunfish Lake to land owned by the City to the area <br />south of City Park Pond. (Motion carried 4-1 <Morgan>) <br />Armstrong stated that after meeting with VBWD, it seems like unless <br />the City gives them the $15,120, they do not feel confident to go <br />ahead with the project. VBWD wants some assurance that it is going to <br />work, and if we can't give them that assurance for $5000, we should <br />withdraw the petition. <br />Dunn stated that Mr. Beaubien hired <br />study, and wonders why VBWD cannot <br />gathered from this study. <br />a hydrologist to do an underground <br />or will not use the information <br />Morgan stated he does not believe that VBWD is interested in anyone <br />elses study, and are more concerned about the legal aspect of it than <br />solving the problem. <br />Christ stated that after attending a VBWD meeting, he did not get any <br />indication that the project would be ordered after the study was done. . <br />He is convinced that the money the City would put up -front would be <br />wasted. <br />Morgan stated that our local Legislators are getting into the act, and <br />they are trying to go thru the Legislature to move the 509 Project <br />along faster - to get the departments that are doing the studies and <br />that are issuing the permits (and who are delaying things) make it a <br />law that this be moved to the top of their calendar and take action so <br />that the 509 Project could be put into effect, to some extent, in <br />1984. <br />B. Other <br />1. Resolutions of Appreciation <br />Morgan/Mazzara - To adopt Resolutions 85-14 thru 85-19 offering the <br />City's appreciation to Maynard Eder, Laura Fraser, Robert Dreher, <br />Howard Michels, Vicki Gifford and Arlyn Christ. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />2. Letter from County Commissioner, Artie Schaefer <br />The Council acknowledged a letter from County Commissioner Artie <br />Schaefer dated April 16, 1985 regarding the Proposed Washington County <br />Park Ordinance. Mr. Schaefer stated in this letter that he agreed <br />with this proposed ordinance on the most part, but is concerned with <br />the regulation dealing with the use of alcoholic beverages. <br />
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