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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, APRIL 2, 1985 _PAGE 10 <br />The Council reviewed the information received from the City of Ramsey <br />along with some proposed legislation and descriptions of current <br />problems Ramsey is experiencing reg arding landfills. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Morgan --To adopt Resolution 85-13 "lending Lake <br />Elmo' to the City of Ramsey's proposal regarding proposed <br />legislation ibir�the-dont'ro1'and protection of host communities where <br />landfill sites are located. (Motion carried 4-0) <br />J H. Other. <br />A. Maihtena'ce Foreman Applioa'tions ' <br />The Administrator stated that he has narrowed down the twenty <br />appl'icati'ons to those four he ,fee is are the most qualified. <br />It was the consensus of the Council to review these four applications <br />at the April 16, 1985 City Council meeting. However, Morgan suggested <br />thAtlthe Council review All of the applications, if they so, desire, to <br />determine ifthere are any more applioahts'that should be considered. <br />B. Florence Duke - Beutel Pond <br />Ms. Duke stated that eight years ago she wasassessed' for,a culvert <br />that drains Beutel's Pond. She asked that this valve be opened as her <br />basement is flooding. <br />The'Adm'inistrator indicated'that the City Engineer has visited the <br />Pond and it is still two feet below the authorized release time. <br />Compounding that situation, Eagle Point Dam is up to the top,and we <br />cannot release any water into'that area. <br />This subject will be on the April 16th agenda with a report from the <br />City Engineer. <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - To adjourn the meeting (10:20 p.m.) (Motion <br />carried 4-0) <br />Resolution 85-11 Midland Meadows Preliminary Plat Extension <br />Resolution 85-12 Increase in Park Donation Fees <br />Resolution 85-13 Support to the City of Ramsey for landfill <br />legislation. <br />Ordinance 7969 - Implement'ing fees 'septic system inspections' <br />for property changing ownership. <br />