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04-02-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-02-85 CCM
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March 27, 1985 <br />TO: City Council -P�K <br />FR: Patrick D. Klaers, City Adminsitrator � <br />RE: Informational Memo for April 2, 1985 Meeting <br />1. Attached for your information is the most recent City Newsletter <br />dated 3-26-85. This newsletter edition highlights the article on the <br />Springborn CUP application. <br />2. The City hired Dan Olinger for approximately a 6-8 week period of <br />time at $10/hr. We hired Dan on approximately February 9 and he has, <br />therefore, been employed by the City for approximately seven weeks. <br />Unless I hear otherwise at the City Council table on April 2, 1985, we <br />will continue to use Dan at $10/hr until a maintenance foreman has <br />been hired. <br />3. Attached for your information is a one sentence letter from Paul <br />Magnuson asking the City to do something about the water level on Lake <br />Elmo. Additionally, Larry Bohrer and myself have talked to Paul about <br />the high water situation on Lake Elmo and we are doing everything in <br />our power to keep the culvert under Lake Elmo Avenue open and to <br />control the Eagle Point dike structure. In my telephone call with <br />Paul, he also thanked the City for its effort and work on Klondike <br />Avenue earlier this week. <br />4. The City has been doing some work on Klondike Avenue down towards <br />the west side of Lake Elmo. The high water is causing soggy road <br />conditions and the crew has been hauling in some very cheap fill that <br />we located from Shafer Contracting. Hopefully, this will secure the <br />road until the high water recedes. <br />5. Attached for your information is an article from the St. Croix <br />Valley Press relating to the public water supply system as proposed <br />around the landfill site. You should note that this item is on the <br />4-2-85 agenda. <br />6. The City office is doing much of the maintenance forman work at <br />this time of the year as Dave Wisdorf is no longer with us. We are <br />making arrangements for hiring CETA workers and are currently going <br />out for bids on our street sweeping program. Additionally, we have <br />done work on Clean-up Days and the load limits for the city streets, <br />both of which will be on the 4-2-85 agenda for brief up -dates. Also, <br />we have checked with the County to try and obtain another MEED <br />temporary six-month employee (similar to last year), but no funds for <br />this program are currently available. <br />7. It is anticipated that the maintenance forman applications will <br />be reviewed later this week and the best applications will be <br />distributed to the Council members at the 4-2-85 meeting. <br />
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