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8. Attached for your information is an article from the Minneapolis <br />paper dated 3-21-85 relating to municipal tax rates. Our city tax <br />rate is listed as 14.451 which has a ranking of 29 lowest out of 85 <br />listed. This comparison also shows our assessed valuation which is <br />used as a tax base of approximately $32.5 million. This 14.451 mil <br />rate for 1985 compares to 15.280 for 1984. When the budget was <br />adopted in September, 1984 we knew the mil rate was going to be <br />lowered, but it was impossible to forcast "how much" reduction would <br />be achieved. The same will be true around budget time in 1985. <br />Unless major expenditures are forcasted or there are dramatic changes <br />by the State in funding formulas, we expect the mil rate to remain <br />stable or be further reduced. <br />9. The city has been the coordinating agency for satellite <br />facilities for four residents from Lake Jane that require these <br />facilities. The City obtained satellites for the Keane, Paul, <br />Evanoff, and Marcellus households. <br />10. Attached for your information is an AMM Bulletin providing the <br />City with a general up -date of recent activities. <br />11. The City has been doing some daily monitoring of the Eagle Point <br />Dam to insure that the water level is being maintained. We replaced <br />some of the sandbags with a culvert and a steel plate over it in order <br />to allow us better control over the water level. <br />12. Attached for your information is an interesting article regarding <br />the DNR hearing on the Lake Pulaski NOHWL. This situation is not <br />unfamiliar to Lake Elmo residents, and any success by the Lake Pulaski <br />residents may have spinoff benefits in Lake Elmo. <br />13. Marilyn Banister and myself had a day long meeting with the City <br />Auditor recently to review the 1984 facts and findings. A <br />presentation on the audit is scheduled for the May 7, 1985 City <br />Council meeting. As anticipated, the year end revenues were slightly <br />higher than budgeted while the year end expenditures were lower than <br />budgeted.. This sound budgeting philosophy has helped improve the <br />total financial picture in Lake Elmo. Also, in 1984 we took action on <br />many of the recommendations listed in the audit report. The financial <br />standing and operating system in Lake Elmo is improving, but more work <br />still needs to be done. We will be acting on more of the audit <br />recommendations afttrthe May 7, 1985 presentation and prior to <br />beginning the budget process in early July. <br />14. Attached for your information is a booklet regarding the May 16, <br />1985 (Thursday) board of review meeting. Which two council members <br />will be present during certain periods of this 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 P•m• <br />meeting will be on the 4-16-85 City Council agenda. No decisions on <br />assessed values can be made at this board of review meeting, but <br />question areas should be referred to the assessor and then the <br />assessor's report will be evaluated by the entire City Council at a <br />future meeting. <br />15. Attached is a response from the Clerk of Court to the City <br />Council's request that court appointed commissioners for condemnations <br />be paid on an hourly basis. His letter indicates that Lake Elmo got a <br />"bargin" in our recent case. <br />