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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1985 PAGE 3 <br />Fran Pott stated that if the low bids are taken, there is still room <br />in the budget for the wench which will cost approximately $1200, and <br />recommended that the City Council accept the three low bids. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - To accept the low bid from Brookman Motors for <br />a pick up truck as bid in the amount of $11,932; to accept the low bid <br />from Communication Specialists for Communication Apparatus as <br />specified in the amount of $793; and to accept the low bid from <br />General Safety Equipment for Fire Apparatus as specified in the amount <br />of $5,355. (Motion carried 4-0) <br />7. City Engineer's Report <br />A. Green Acres CUP amendment -_Howard and Gaylen Springborn <br />for the addition of a water slide and bumper boats. <br />It was noted by the Administrator that the City has received from Mr. <br />Springborn a petition with approximately 500 signatures indicating <br />support of the water slide and bumper boat proposal, a letter from <br />Mrs. Springborn, and two letters from R.L. Guidon. <br />Christ stated he visited the proposed site and has reviewed all of the <br />information that has been presented, both pro and con. The <br />Springborn's have'always,operated a good business, and he has no <br />reason to believe the water slide would be operated any different. <br />The opponents concerns are the potential noise, increased traffic, <br />vandalism, theft, decreased property values and a general disruption <br />of the peace and quiet they paid a premium price to receive. In <br />sorting through all of this information, the City's rules and <br />regulations or ordinances provide the only basis on which to make a <br />decision on the application. There is a potential investment in <br />excess of $300,000 and does not feel he can interpret this type of <br />expenditure to be considered a commercial use.of a rural nature - it <br />is strickly commercial. He does not feel the City has a legal right <br />to approve this application. <br />Armstrong feels that the zoning as it is now is Agricultural, and in <br />order to expand the existing CUP the proposal would have to be a <br />commercial recreation of a rural nature. She forsees parking and <br />traffic problems, a "State Fair" atmosphere all summer long and feels <br />the City cannot expand this CUP to include this very commercial <br />activity. <br />Mazzara stated he vistied the site. He likes the concept, and <br />believes the effect on the community will not be as great as some of <br />the people have proposed. However, to comply with the City's <br />ordinance, it would be hard to vote for this proposal, even though he <br />feels it could be beneficial to the community. <br />Morgan stated he visited the site. When a decision like this is made, <br />it has to be made not only based on what is good for the majority of <br />the people, but also how it affects localities. In this case, many of <br />the people of Lake Elmo are not affected, but the people living <br />adjacent to this facility would be. <br />Christ/Armstrong - To deny the application from Green Acres (Howard <br />and Gaylen Springborn) for an expansion of their existing CUP to <br />include a water slide and bumper boats. (Motion carried 4-0) <br />