<br />the study in detail of planning related matters that impact the
<br />present and future social and economic,status of the City. The
<br />Commission must develop options and recommendations upon which the
<br />Council should act. The ,Commission',s,regbonsibi�l�ty is primarily„in
<br />the areas of research; analysis, projection and proposal. Mr. Lang
<br />has been a resident of Lake Elmo for_;-1/2,years and,wprks for, Cardio
<br />Pace Medical in Roseville" Mr. 'Lang and his family en,7oy the
<br />splendid rural atmosphere of Lake Elmo and would like to,.keep,it that
<br />way.
<br />`Christ/Armstrong:- o'appoint David Lang, 451 Hilltop Av6nue
<br />North as' a full voting 'member ;on, t.hePanning Co t ?? sgion.. (MotiQ
<br />carried 4 0 )
<br />[ B. `bo'an Johnston,;82'00 Hill Trail North.
<br />Regarding the major planning and development issues confronting the
<br />City of Lake Elmo, Mr. Johnston feels that Lake Elmo will a
<br />lot of pressure to develop because of its proximity to the
<br />metropolitan area. _A well defined plan and,,,s.trong re7aated,ordinances
<br />are -Pied(essrary f, assure that development ie d,elibgrat.e,, ,carefµlly
<br />considered. £na in the''b�est interests' 'of the people of Lake Elmo. Mr.
<br />Johnston further stated that he sees the role and function of the.
<br />Planning Commission to advocate for careful developent and strict
<br />implementation of the comprehensive plan.,. _.He,fe.gls.�the Commission
<br />exists to be a resource to the tbuncil in planning matters. Mr.
<br />Johnston has been employed by 3M for 17 years. He served on the
<br />Cottage Grove Charter Commission .for aproximately,five„ and,,has
<br />partic pated',in community;`2ctivities.,' Mr. Johnston has lived in Lake
<br />Elmo fora'abou't two 'years', but feels that a person has an obligation to
<br />be active in the community, and planning is an area that matches his
<br />interests. Mr. Johnston would like to see Lake Elmo remain exactly
<br />the way it now is.
<br />M/S/P Christ/Armstrong - To .appoint -Dean ,J,ohnston.,; 8200 Hill Trail
<br />North as the first alternate to the Planning Commission. (Motion
<br />carried 3-0-1 <Morgan>)
<br />Morgan apstained from this vote as he has ,mown Mr. Johnston for .many
<br />years.
<br />6. Fire Department bid award for 1-ton),truck.and related equipment
<br />quotes: Fran Pott '
<br />The bids received are as follows:
<br />1' Ton Tick 'i)p Truck: Brodkman, Motors
<br />"Stillwater Motors
<br />Heritage Ford
<br />Communication Equipment:
<br />$,1103`2, < ,
<br />14,080.
<br />12,329
<br />'Communicationn'Spec $ -793
<br />General Communications 1,215
<br />Fire Apparatus:
<br />Custom Fire'App.' .6,,490
<br />General SafetyEquip• 5,3:55 ,
<br />