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04-02-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-02-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1985 PAGE 5 <br />adopted the staff recommendation. They adopted the recommendation, <br />and then both Board's put an amendment onto the recommendation that it <br />should be an assessment against the property, and then the homeowners <br />should sign a release of claims, and upon signing this release the <br />Counties would pay the assessment. Mr. McLeod sees two problems with <br />this proposal. The 301E Study (a federal study on legalities and <br />hazzardous waste injuries) points out that most personal injury occurs <br />ten to twenty years after the fact; very few occur within the first <br />five years. So, people are being asked to pay for this water system <br />unless they are willing to sign off any future claims that their <br />family might have. Secondly, Mr. McLeod looks at this proposal as <br />being "blackmail". This is, however, an issue that can possibly be <br />brought up through negotiations between the City of Lake Elmo and the <br />Counties. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - To send a letter to the Counties indicating <br />the City Council of Lake Elmo would like to meet with them as soon as <br />possible, with the entire City Council being our negotiating team, and <br />to indicate to the Counties the City's strong feelings that the system <br />be expanded to 325 homes, to negotiate on the Operation and Maintenace <br />costs; to indicate the City's feelings about the watermain routes, <br />that the City has concerns about the signing of releases, and that the <br />gallons per minute questions and the fixed dollars costs are only <br />preliminary and not firm costs. (Motion carried 4-0) <br />C. Location of Water Service Shut -Off Valves <br />The Engineer stated that according to the City crew, about 30% (or <br />curb boxes in the Old Village have never been located, raised to <br />boulevard grade, or are bent. He suggested that this be corrected <br />a concerted effort in the summer rather than in frozen ground <br />conditions in the winter when problems arise. He estimated that <br />entire Old Village could be gone over in 1 to 1-1/2 months using <br />maintenace worker and one CETA employee. However, it may take an <br />additional CETA worker to keep up with the park mowing and other <br />duties the regular maintenace worker would ordinarily be doing. <br />all the curb boxes are raised and the location records brought up <br />date, it would never have to be done completely again. It is <br />reco d d th t th <br />70) <br />by <br />the <br />one <br />Once <br />to <br />mmn e a e City commit to this one-time program and allot the <br />maintenance worker and CETA time to carry it out. <br />It was the consensus of the Council to proceed with this project, as <br />recommended by the City Engineer. <br />D. Cost Estimate for Sunfish Lake Petition <br />Mr. Dick Murray, Secretary, Board of Managers of the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District reviewed his memo dated April 2, 1985 regarding <br />Lake Elmo's petition to pump excess water from Sunfish Lake to land <br />owned by the City to the area south of City Park Pond. The petition <br />requested that an estimate of the Preliminary Fund be given to the <br />City prior to proceeding with the project. The estimated costs total <br />$15,120. The VBWD Engineer and Attorney have determined that in order <br />to estimate the effectiveness of the project and possible side effects <br />of the pumping, a mathematical model of the groundwater flow in the <br />area will be required. The Engineer and Attorney are concerned that <br />if results of the model are not available, it may be difficult to <br />defend the rationale to assess the area included in Project 1005 for <br />the costs of this project. The cost of this model represents $5000 of <br />
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