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LAKE ELMO,CITY COUNCIL MINUTES., APRIL 2,1985 PAGE 6 <br />the cost of the Engineer's Report, A decision to eliminatethe <br />groundwater model from the Engineer's Report would ,reduce the. <br />Preliminary Fund to a simple statement -of the cost of the pump,and <br />pipe and a narration of pr.opsed improvments. The _project would be <br />justified as an experiment to see if something should be done in the <br />short time to avoid the problem on;Sunfish Lake. VBWD is concerned <br />that a -review by various State agencies or a public hearing may reveal <br />that such an Engineer's Report may be determined to be not sufficient <br />to justify the project. <br />In response to a question from .the Council as to.whether or not this <br />project would be ordered by VBWD-if the City'did..appr.ove of the , <br />estimated $15120 preliminary cost, Mr. Murray stated that thismoney <br />will provide an. Engineer's and Appraiser's report that can be <br />supported. To take the groundwater model out would leave a question. <br />At the last meeting with the Sunfish Lake property owners, the <br />Watershed managers were polled and felt that if a proper_petition-:was <br />given to VBWD, and VBWD felt:_it was legal and supportable, that .the <br />Managers would support _it with a favorable vote. Mr.. Murray does :not <br />think the Managers have changed their opinions. <br />Morgan stated he does not have the confidence that ,VBWD will do the <br />project if the City -does support the preliminary fund._ He stated that <br />he has been through this three times before. Each time we have <br />agreement and a number that is agreed upon, it gets totally out of <br />control. We can go back 18 years and look at the history of VBWD. <br />They cannot do anything unless they have a petition, and when they get <br />a petition, they immediately buildup the preliminary fund which makes <br />for a real tough gamble for the City. <br />Mr. Murray clarified that the Engineer's report would basically be a <br />definition. of ,the problem and an explanation,of .the alternatives to <br />solve the, problem._ <br />are/unacceptable, andgthat itdshouldBreevaluateeitse osition Estimates <br />position. (Motion <br />and second withdrawn),, <br />Morgan suggested that if the Board of Managers do not help, <br />they should resign and get some people in that do, want, to help... He <br />stated he would call the County Board members and suggest that. <br />M/S/P IMazzara/Christ - To table a decision on approv ng)the. <br />Preliminary Estimate and to set up a meeting with the VBWD Board of <br />Managers on the 12th of April for further discussion of .thi project. <br />(Motion carried 4-0) <br />E. Midland Meadows Preliminary Plat one-year extension. <br />The Council reviewed a letter from J.R. Stockstead,.:Vice..President of <br />Finnemann Enterpri_ses,• Inc.,in which a request is made for a six. month <br />extension for, final plat approval of Midland Meadows Plat.. (Mr. <br />Stockstead stated at the Council, meeting that he.would,like, to ,request <br />a one yearrextension rather than six month extension as stated in his <br />letter). His reason for requesting this extension is that the market <br />conditions continue to be rather unfavorable and somewhat discouraging <br />for a project such as proposed. -At this time,.he is <br />considering the feasibility of scaling down the project and developing <br />the land. -in a less dense fashion. The extension requested will allow <br />