<br />him time ,to.firm-up,the proposal and bring, it to the City for
<br />discussion and approval.
<br />( M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To adopt Resolution 85-11 granting a one year
<br />extension to J.R. Stockstead of Finnemann Enterprises, Inc., for final
<br />plat approval of the Midland Meadows Plat. (Motion carried 4-0)
<br />City, Council Reports
<br />g -
<br />A. Appreciation dinner for retirin .City Council and ,
<br />Planning Commission members. -.
<br />Armstrong, suggested that the City set up a date and time for an
<br />appreciation dinner for Maynard Eder,.Laura.Fraser, Howard Michels,
<br />Bob Dreher and Kathy Crombie.
<br />Armstrong will c4air,this committee and make arrangements for.the
<br />dinner.
<br />S. Evanoff's Sanitary System.
<br />The Evanoff's have indicated that they are in the 201,.Program. Their
<br />house is in the process of being moved back from Lake Jane, and should
<br />be ready for occupancy in approximately thirty days. They will not
<br />have a septic system and have asked if there is anything that can be
<br />done to move up their septic system installation prior to the start of
<br />the actual_ implementation of,,the,-,2,01- Program which isn't scheduled to
<br />begin until mid -summer..
<br />The Engineer stated that the City
<br />y can dictate to the contractor which
<br />systems are done first (after the bids are let). To move up the
<br />entire,or,ogram is un,G,ertain at this time., The, Engineer As -e.xpe.cting a
<br />letter -from, the ,PPA,s�ating.,they have reviewed and approved the plans
<br />shortly, but after getting,th,is approval we; have to go through,the
<br />advertising and bidding procedure, and there is another review period
<br />after that. There is no way to install the Evanoff's system sooner
<br />and still have the, Federal Government„pay the biggest share..
<br />There was a brief discussion regarding the residents that have .
<br />requested sand, and the following action was taken.
<br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - That the.City follow the same procedure. as in
<br />the past which is to make available to the residents sand for
<br />sandbags, at the City's cost, and because of road restrictions that
<br />Care ie now
<br />uin effect, to deliver this„sand to,the.residents home with the
<br />y r (Motion carried 4-0)
<br />9• City Administrator's Report
<br />A., Uoad,Limits on City Streets
<br />The Administrator stated 1978, the City Council allowed. a
<br />variance to garbage haulers based on the health factor that could
<br />develop if the garbage is not collected. However, since 1979, no
<br />variances have been given to the garbage haulers and they have been
<br />forced to comply with the City's restrictions.
<br />haulersMoperating withinotheICiity h ofLaketo limits for the garbage -
<br />operating 7 ..tons .per axle,
<br />