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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5-7-85 PAGE 10 <br />3. Boarding Care Home <br />The Administrator advised the Council that a boarding care home is <br />proposed to be constructed in the Brockman Addition. This will be <br />before the Council for review at a later date. <br />The Administrator further stated that the zoning code ordinance in the <br />Commercial District does not prohibit the number of structures on a <br />lot. The controlling factor is the septic system. Therefore, the <br />City may see a proposal for a second structure on a lot that already <br />has a building. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - To adjourn the meeting (10:45 p.m.) (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />Resolution 85-20 - Acceptance of 1984 City Audit and transferring <br />of funds. <br />Resolution 85-21 Resolution requesting State approval for a <br />right-of-way variance. <br />Resolution 85-22 - Final Plat for Teal Pass 3rd Addition <br />