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M <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />June 4, 1985 <br />Mayor Morgan called the special meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the <br />council chambers. Present: Armstrong, Christ, Dunn, Mazzara, City <br />Administrator Klaers and City Attorney Knaak. <br />1. Resignation letter from City Administrator, Patrick D. Klaers <br />Patrick D. Klaers has submitted his resignation letter and stated the <br />conditions in which he would like to have the resignation accepted. <br />Severance terms provide Klaers will be paid for 105 days, 60 days <br />severance pay and. 45 days of the usual 90 day notice period, beyond <br />July 1st, plus two weeks vacation. <br />Mazzara would like to see Klaers kept on for a longer period of time <br />because of the time it will take to fill the position and for the <br />amount of severance compensation that is being paid out. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to accept Patrick Klaers resignation as City <br />Administrator and to accept the terms as outlined in his resignation <br />letter dated June 24, 1985. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to adjourn the special meeting. (6:50 p.m.). <br />