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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 4, 1985 Page 5 <br />F. Application by Bill Eder requesting a simple lot <br />subdivision and zoning code variances, south of <br />RR tracks and east of Lake Elmo Avenue <br />(continued from 5-7-85). <br />This will be before the Council at a later date. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to table the application by Bill Eder. <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />G. Public Hearing for zoning <br />Shoreland permit at Lot 9 <br />James Holmberg. <br />code lot size variance and <br />of Krause's Addition for <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at <br />8:18 p.m. in the City Council Chambers <br />James Holmberg is proposing to build a home on Lot 9, Krause's <br />Addition. The lot size is 0.785 acres; therefore, a lot size <br />variance is required. The City Council determined that the <br />hardship was that there was no additional land available for <br />purchase to increase the lot size. Recommendations for approval <br />will be contingent upon the soil tests and septic system design <br />being submitted and showing that a primary and an alternate system <br />are able to be constructed. The City Engineer suggested the <br />drainfield be on the east side of the lot and encourages the <br />driveway to come off of Jane Road. If fill is brought in., it has <br />to settle for a year then a. pore test taken. Neighbors were <br />notified, and there were no objections brought up at the meeting. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to grant lot size variance subject to the <br />Engineer's three recommendations. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to grant a Shoreland Permit. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />H. Street Repair Discussion <br />The City Engineer and the Maintenance Foreman, Dan Olinger, <br />reviewed the street work that needs to be done and concentrated on <br />the northwest area of the City and 20th Street. They have <br />determined that patch and overlay method of repair is most cost <br />effective and best for preventing further deterioration. The <br />estimated cost is $17,185. The City Engineer advised the Council <br />that construction projects over $10,000 must be publicly <br />advertised and bid out. <br />There are four areas that they feel are absolutely necessary, and <br />they are Highlands Trail between DeMontreville Trail and High <br />Trail, two areas in the Hidden Bay area; Deer Pond Trail from <br />Hidden Bay on the south and then right at the fork between <br />Jackpine Trail and Deerpond Trail and lastly up on the northern <br />part of the City on 55th street near Howard Springborne's <br />driveway. They felt that it was small enough that the City crew <br />could handle 20th street. <br />