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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 4, 1985 Page 4 <br />long as his property lines are surveyed. Mazzara suggested that <br />if Mr. Harnish wants to attach his garage, he should look up the <br />City ordinance. <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to approve a sideyard variance from 10 feet <br />to existing garage, but not less than 3 feet for building his new <br />garage based on finding his surveyed property lines. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to deny the request since only one accessory <br />structure is allowed. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />D. Shoreland permit for addition to garage and future deck at <br />9436 Jane Road North for Mr. Petrellis. <br />Mr. Petrellis is proposing to add a third stall to his garage and <br />also a deck to the rear of his house. From the sketch he <br />submitted, Mr. Petrellis can meet all the setbacks so our City <br />Engineer has no concerns to recommend that the shoreland permit be <br />granted. Adjoining property owners were notified, and there were <br />no problems or concerns about this request. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to approve the shoreland permit for Mr. <br />Petrellis for addition to a garage and future deck at 9436 Jane <br />Road North. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Public Hearing to amend City Code Section 105.040 to <br />add septic system inspection fee. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at <br />8:03 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. <br />At the April 2, 1985 meeting, the City Council passed a motion to <br />adopt an ordinance which would require a septic system inspection <br />fee. At the time of this consideration we understood that these <br />fees were done by resolutions, but it has since come to our <br />attention that a formal ordinance adoption is required to <br />implement these fees. Therefore, it technically requires a public <br />hearing in order to adopt the code. Dunn commented there should <br />be a clarification on the time for on -site inspections. Number 3 <br />should be changed to all on -site inspections $50. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to adopt ordinance 7969 amending Lake Elmo <br />City code adding Section 105.04008 "When an inspection of the <br />existing septic system is requested, the following fees will be <br />charged for said inspection: 1. new system first year free, 2. <br />one to five years in office verification $25, 3. all on -site <br />inspections $50". (Motion carried 5-0). <br />