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�i6� u Il ul J�J;1 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JULY 2, 1985 <br />Mayor Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the council <br />chambers. Present: Armstrong (arrived 7:06), Christ, Dunn, Mazzara, <br />Acting Administrator Banister, City Engineer Bohrer, City Attorney <br />Knaak, and City Planner Chelseth. <br />1. Agenda <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To approve the agenda for the July 2, 1985 City <br />Council meeting as amended. Add 8A. Board of Review, 8B. City <br />Administrator Applications, and 8C. Letter received on 201 Program. <br />(Motion carried 4-0) <br />2. Minutes <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - to approve the June 4, 1985 City Council Meeting <br />minutes as presented. (Motion carried. 4-0) <br />3. Claims <br />M/S/P Dunn/Christ - to approve the claims 86191 thru 86280 with the <br />exception of Claim 86223. (Motion carried 4-0) <br />Dunn and Morgan expressed concern with spending $1,068.00 to belong to <br />this organization (AMM) and would like to see a detailed explanation <br />on the benefits the City receives from belonging to this group. <br />4. Zack Hansen and Bruce Dunn on Composting. <br />Zack Hansen made a presentation regarding several possible yard waste <br />composting sites. From the public health department perspective, the <br />least acceptable site was the Regional Park, 15th Street Entrance, and <br />the best site was the Public Works Garage Site. <br />Zack Hansen reviewed his memo of June 27, 1985 in which he discusses <br />the most desireable to the least desirable sites for composting in <br />Lake Elmo. This memo is on file at the city office. <br />1. Public Works Garage Site . This site is by far the most <br />suitable site for a yard waste composting project. It has good <br />access, is secure because of the proximity of the Public Works <br />Garage and a gate could be installed, will require very little <br />site preparation, is close to public works equipment and is <br />well screened. <br />Composting periods are five weeks in the fall and five weeks in the <br />spring and depending on what the City wishes it could be open a couple <br />days per week in the summer for other yard waste. This could be <br />Wednesday afternoons and weekends. <br />In order to get this into motion by this fall the major concern is to <br />get the site developed in time and this site would simply be tree <br />trimming and erecting a gate, if necessary, and any signs that are <br />desired. It is important to publicize the site well in advance and in <br />