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07-02-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-02-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1985 PAGE 2 <br />the August city newsletter. <br />In addition, we have to sign a memorandum agreement between the city <br />and county, and this would be an annual contract. The County would <br />pay for the site to be prepared and if the City used.its own equipment <br />they would be reimbursed. Basically, the City provides the site and <br />the County picks up the cost for the whole project. <br />The compost will be given away if this composting site is operated as <br />in other programs. It would be an 18 month cycle, ie: material <br />collected this spring would be available in the spring of 1987. <br />Consensus of the Council is that the Public Works Garage site is a <br />good site at which to implement this program. Zack Hansen will be <br />sending a memorandum agreement to the City this week. <br />5. Public Inquiries <br />A. Bob Sneen and Steve Plummer (from Edina Realty) <br />representing the seller (Mrs. Dahl) and the potential <br />buyer (Mr. Strutt) regarding lot on 32nd St. off of <br />Klondike. <br />Bob Sneen has a purchase agreement between Mrs. Dahl and Mr. Strutt <br />for the lot on 32nd St. off of Klondike subject to the building <br />provisions. The potential builder had contacted the City Engineer for <br />a building permit and was told that a building permit would not be <br />issued on this property because there was an intended common <br />drainfield for this site. Edina Realty understood that the City would <br />be going through condemnation proceedings and would purchase the lot <br />from Mrs. Dahl for this drainfield. <br />Mayor Morgan explained that the 201 Program has been in existence for <br />at least three years. This program has gone through phase by phase <br />over this time and is a program with state and federal assistance to <br />restore private sanitary systems. <br />The City Engineer referred to the map and explained the 201 program in <br />further detail. There has not been any offers made to the owner <br />because acquisiton of land using the state and federal funds has to be <br />followed in a very strict manner known as the Federal Land Acquisition <br />and Relocation Act. The site has not been approved by the Minnesota <br />Pollution Control Agency as yet, and they are the review agency for <br />the state and federal grants; but it has been reviewed in a <br />preliminary way and they have made comments which we have to respond <br />to and believe that approval is imminent. Once we receive approval we <br />will have the land appraised and will negotiate with the owner for <br />that purchase. <br />Mayor Morgan explained that the City is committed to the 201 Program <br />and so no action will be taken until we find out whether this site is <br />approved. A building permit could not be issued in the time limit in <br />question because you would have to go through the variance process <br />which means the Planning Commission and then the City Council. <br />City Attorney Knaak advised by enforcing the zone code ordinances the <br />city is fulfilling its legal obligation of what it has to do and any <br />
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