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07-02-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-02-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1985 PAGE 8 <br />Throughout the spring a maintenance problem has developed. The gravel <br />( shoulder on the south side of 45th Street east of Jane Road erodes <br />because of the steep slope and the superelevation of the pavement. <br />The recommendation of the Maintenance Department would be to pave that <br />strip (a 4 foot wide shoulder x 600 feet long) and the estimated cost <br />is around $2,200 and would be reimbursible from state aid funds. A <br />firm price from the contractor is $2,760 and the difference is <br />primarily the general contractors markup. Based on the Maintenace <br />Dept. recommendation, the City Engineer would like to add a change <br />order on this work. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to approve the 1984 MSA Improvements - Change <br />Order #2 as recommended by the City Engineer in his memo of June 26, <br />1985-(Motion carried 5-0) <br />J. Street Light Request -• Jamaca Avenue and Lake Jane <br />Trail <br />The City has received a request from Mr. Mike Wagner, 9040 Lake Jane <br />Trail, for the City to install a street light at the intersection of <br />Jamaca Avenue and Lake Jane Trail. He states that since the <br />intersection is dark, some people miss the turn from Jamaca Avenue to <br />Lake Jane Trail and end up in his yard. <br />Traffic counts indicate over 1,000 vehicles per day use the <br />intersection and the Lake Jane Trail is a designated bicycle route. <br />The monthly charge for the light will be between $9 and $15, depending <br />on the wattage required. There is no additional charge for <br />installation. <br />A suggestion was made for the City Engineer to contact the other <br />neighbors and find out how they feel about this request and report <br />back the findings. <br />K. 1985 Street Repairs - Review Bids <br />The street repair bids were received on June 28, 1985 and the apparent <br />low bid was from Tower Asphalt. This low bid exceeded the engineers <br />estimate by almost $2,000. This was because of the item Bituminous <br />Mixture (blacktop) was estimated at $30 a ton and the lowest bid was <br />$33.30. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to accept the lowest bid of $19,360.00 from Tower <br />Asphalt for the 1985 street repairs. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. City Council Reports <br />A. Board of Review <br />Mayor Morgan brought up that he was informed that our Board of Review <br />was illegal for the last ten years because there is suppose to be a <br />majority of the Council present rather than just two council members <br />along with the assessors. Also the meeting that we accept the Board <br />or Review's conclusions is probably illegal because the assessor was <br />not present. A request was made to the City Attorney to look into <br />this and report back. <br />B. City Administrator Applications <br />
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