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07-02-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-02-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1985 PAGE 7 <br />A proposal for interim emergency pumping 300 acre feet of water from <br />( Lake Jane to the Shafer's (Richards) Gravel Pit lying in the NE 1/4 of <br />Section 16 was discussed. A pump is available from the Valley Branch, <br />and the Lake Jane Assoc. has approached the owners of the Shafer's <br />Gravel Pit and they would be agreeable. No easements would be needed <br />because it would go through city owned property or the Richards <br />property. The three Shafer's Gravel Pit stipulations were that they <br />would be free of liability, and there would not be damage to the road <br />or the gravel deposits of the pit. <br />The City Engineer and Scotty Lyall looked at the soils and they seemed <br />to look sandy in this area. Scotty was told by Rudy that the water <br />stands there and does not go away so they thought there must be clay <br />underneath it. From looking at the contour map, Bohrer found that the <br />elevation of the standing water is 926 feet, and he thinks that is <br />ground water table right there and questions the feasibility. Another <br />concern is the contaminants close -by that may be pushed into another <br />direction by raising the level of the water table. The City Engineer <br />will do a mini -feasibility study. <br />Costs were given for the following: <br />pipe rental $1/ft. for 10" pipe until Fall for est. 4,400 feet = <br />$4,400 <br />the pump capacity is 3 acre feet a day. <br />electrical estimate = $2,500 <br />manhole estimate = $1,000 <br />liability insurance (Shafer's request to protect themselves) <br />laying the pipe will be volunteer labor. <br />minor labor cost for actual hooking up the pump <br />question road crossing at Jamaca <br />If we want to asses this, we have to have a public hearing which will <br />be held on Wednesday, July 24, 1985 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council <br />Chambers. Every lot., piece or parcel of land abutting the three lakes <br />(Jane, Demontreville and Olson) and ponds will be the proposed area to <br />be assessed. <br />Mazarra - if this project is feasible and the homeowners are willing <br />to pay for this, he feels its reasonable and we should go ahead and do <br />it. <br />Dunn - we should take a serious look at this and firm up the figures <br />and answer the question of the water standing in the gravel pit. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to call a public hearing to determine the <br />feasibility of moving 300 acre feet of water from Lake Jane across <br />city property to the Shafer's Gravel pit. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />I. 1984 MSA Improvements - Change Order #2 <br />Work on the 1984 MSA Improvements, 45th Street, Julep Avenue and 47th <br />Street, was substantially complete last Fall, and they have just <br />finished some ditch sodding. <br />
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