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07-25-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-25-85 CCM
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PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES FOR LAKE JANE JULY 24, 1985 PAGE 3 <br />The cost for this pumping project would be $70 and up to $87 per <br />benefited parcel. It is proposed to be assesed per parcel <br />regardless of the actual size of the parcel. The benefit is <br />determined to be the lowering of the lake levels and disposing of <br />this excess water. <br />The following questions were asked of the City Engineer: <br />Councilwoman Armstrong questioned where the pipes would lie with <br />the Nippoldt plan. Bohrer answered that the pipes would lie right <br />along side the other two that are presently there and then turn <br />south. <br />Ken Sovereign, 4415 Olson Lake Trail, asked what is the <br />feasibility of continuing the pump in the City Park Pond and sees <br />this is not an alternative. Bohrer answered that there is a <br />maximum elevation that we need to stay below on the City Park Pond <br />and it is nearing its capacity. <br />Scotty Lyall, 4515 Birchbark Lane, suggested another alternative. <br />That is consideration of some core drilling in Hedges Pond to see <br />whether we can go in there with a dragline and break the seal. <br />There you would have the water contained and you would have <br />control of the lake without a DNR Permit or Watershed Permit <br />because you would be on private property. <br />Bohrer had looked at this alternative, but questions the <br />feasibility and the possi.bilty of getting large equipment in on <br />Birchbark Lane and through the private property that is required. <br />Also you would need a place to deposit the dirt once it has been <br />dug. Might be able to find some information on the water wells in <br />that area to see if they hit the same confining layer that we <br />found along the south shore of Lake Jane. <br />Councilman Christ - On the Nippoldt alternative would you use the <br />existing culverts. Bohrer answered they would use the existing <br />culverts and informed them that the general flow of water in this <br />area is south. <br />Chuck Taylor, 4677 Birchbark Lane, asked what is the ground <br />elevation of the simple depression and the water table level <br />there. Bohrer answered that the lowest spot is 926 and he does <br />not know exactly what the water table is, but some of the sampling <br />wells in the landfill which are very close are around 899 or 900. <br />Nancy Hansen, 8024 Hill Trail, commented that if we are relying on <br />the water to percolate out of City Park Pond and to percolate out <br />of the Nippoldt property, could pumping into the Nippoldt property <br />slow the absorption of the water from City Park Pond. Bohrer did <br />not think so, because it looks like the majority of the water is <br />going straight down. <br />The following are positive comments or questions: <br />
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