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09-10-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-10-85 CCM
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I ` <br />i <br />ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR a <br />45th Street, Julep Avenue and 47th Street and Jane Road North <br />SEPTEMBER 10, 1985 <br />Vice -Mayor Dunn called the assessment hearing to order at 8:03 <br />p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present: Armstrong, Mazzara, <br />Christ and City Attorney Knaak. Absent: Mayor Morgan. <br />City Engineer Larry Bohrer stated that the 1984 Street <br />Improvements consisted of three projects. <br />1. 45th Street, Julep Avenue, and 47th Street from Jane Road <br />North to Keats Avenue, <br />2. Jane Road North from Jamaca Avenue to the west, and <br />3. Jamaca Avenue extension which completed that portion of <br />Jamaca Avenue from Jane Road North to the roads that were <br />completed in Foxfire Estates. <br />The Jamaca Avenue extension was determined by the City Council to <br />be a City project and there would be no assessments on that <br />portion. <br />A lot is defined as an existing single family lot or the number of <br />lots a parcel could be divided into under present subdivision <br />regulations without platting. In the case of the Agriculture land <br />the zoning is Rural Residential and that could be divided into ten <br />acre parcels under present zoning. <br />Jim Blackford, 9765 45th St. N, questioned if there has been a <br />traffic count and Bohrer answered that a traffic count was not <br />taken. In a co-operative program with the highway department <br />traffic is counted every two or three years. Blackford commented <br />that it was a good quality road and would prefer a 10 year period <br />with 10%. <br />Janet Berschens, 9579 45th St., asked how did you end up with 7 <br />lots for her where you had 6 lots the last time Bohrer talked on <br />it. Bohrer explained that when this was brought up at the <br />feasibility hearing the definition of a large lot was 10.0 acres <br />minimum. It had to be a full ten acres. If you had a forty acre <br />tract and this goes to the center of the road where actually the <br />road takes up some of that area, you really don't have forty full <br />acres to subdivide. In that case you could only get three lots <br />out of a 40 acre tract because in essence there were not 40.0 <br />acres. <br />In the last year or so, that definition was changed in the City <br />Code to a "nominal" ten acres and it allows for a 10% reduction <br />due to roads, survey variations, etc. and in that case where you <br />have approx. 40 acres you could subdivide into four lots. So <br />under todays definition you could subdivide your land into four 10 <br />
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