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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 17, 1985 Page 6 <br />( E. Resignations <br />Carol Kuettner will be resigning her planning commission position <br />and David Eder will be resigning his janitorial position effective <br />September 23, 1985. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to accept Carol Kuettner's resignation from <br />the planning commisssion and send her a thank you letter for her <br />service to the City. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to accept David Eder's resignation and send <br />him a thank you letter for his service to the City. (Motion <br />carried 5--0) . <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to authorize Marilyn. Banister to approach <br />the Beeman House to see if there is a resident interested in <br />filling the vacant janitorial position. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />F . Temporary Employee <br />Dan Olinger would like to keep Jon Tauer until the end of November <br />at a total cost of $1,500 to put up the hockey boards, take down <br />tennis nets, work in the curb stop program and the Parks <br />Commission recommended keeping him because of the trail work that <br />needs to be done. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to accept <br />to keep the temporary employee, <br />November at a cost of $5.50 per <br />4-0-1<Morgan>). <br />0. Recycling Letter <br />the recommendation of Dan Olinger <br />Jon Tauer, until the end of <br />hour. (Motion carried <br />A letter from our City Attorney and from Washington County was <br />discussed reagrding the recycling program in Lake Elmo. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to not enter into any recycling programs at <br />the present time because of the difficulties the City has had with <br />a recycling contract with Bellaire Sanitation. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - to adjourn the City Council meeting at 10:49 <br />p.m. <br />Resolution 85-32 granting the simple lot subdivision for Mary Hunt <br />at 8810 55th St. N. and waiving the platting requirements <br />Resolution 85-33 approving the final plat for Midland Meadows on loth <br />St. N. contingent upon meeting Bohrer's three conditions. <br />Resolution 85-34 accepting the Section 32 Petition and to instruct the <br />City Engineer to prepare the necessary feasibility studies on the <br />improvements... <br />Aimended 10--1-85 <br />Pg. 2 D. approximately 27 acres <br />