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10-15-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-15-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1985 PAGE 8 <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to instruct the Maintenance Foreman and <br />City Administrator to enter into an agreement with Crysteel to <br />purchase the Viking wing and also contract with Novak Inc. to <br />install the wing either by purchase or lease whichever is best for <br />the City. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Mutual Aid Resolution <br />City Administrator explained a letter from the St. Louis Park City <br />Manager on providing assistance to other communities in the event <br />of a disaster, and a copy of a resolution the City can adopt if <br />they so desire. Fran Pott suggested that the City get an opinion <br />from our attorney on the legal implications in offering mutual aid <br />without a formal agreement, but otherwise had no concerns with <br />this request. <br />City Administrator Overby will find out how many cities are <br />involved in this now and report on his findings at the next City <br />Council meeting. <br />C. PERA/ICMA Resolution <br />Council action is needed to approve the resolution allowing the <br />City Administrator to opt out of PERA coverage and sign up with <br />the ICMA retirement -'plan as requested. The City Administrator <br />reported that it was the same perentage on the employer's end for <br />PERA or ICMA and explained that there are four different fund <br />options that he can choose from to allocate the money so he has <br />more control on the return. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Armstrong - to grant Resolution 85-39 allowing City <br />Administrator Overby to opt out of PERA coverage and sign up with <br />the ICMA retirement plan. (Motion0carried 4-0). <br />D. Personnel <br />City Administrator Overby advised the Council of Human Services <br />Inc.. out of Washington County which provides counseling services <br />for public employee organizations. Counseling services dealing <br />with personal problems such as chemical dependency, marital, legal <br />or financial problems can affect job performance in terms of lost <br />productivity or absentism or work related accidents. Two methods <br />for charging are to charge the employer $15 per employee per year <br />for the complete plan or an option of a fee for service contract <br />on an "as'needed" basis. <br />Consensus of the Council was that it is good information to have <br />at our disposal and to be aware of these services. In respect to <br />participation, they would prefer to see "as needed" participation <br />as opposed to a blanket coverage. <br />Mazzara brought up that this program information should be made <br />available to the employees prior to a problem arising so they can <br />make their, ;own decision and not under the direction of the <br />
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