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10-15-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-15-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1985 PAGE 7 <br />was necessary on this request. <br />D. Other <br />6. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS <br />A. Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce - <br />St. Croix Growth Inc. <br />Councilmember Mazzara and City Administrator Overby attended a <br />Business and Industrial Development Symposium on October loth in <br />Stillwater. A new group called St. Croix Growth Incorporated has <br />been formed to promote business, commercial, industrial and <br />residential development in a target area bounded by the north <br />limits of Stillwater, I-94 on the south, the west limits of Grant <br />Township and the City of Lake Elmo, and the St. Croix River on the <br />east. There was discussion on what cities can and cannot do, <br />resources available, tax increment financing and Stillwater <br />development. <br />B. Other <br />CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Review Bids for Loader <br />Dan Olinger explained that out of the five bids received, the <br />Clark unit from Road Machinery and the Trojan unit from <br />Minneapolis Equipment are being considered. The Trojan bid is <br />$73,682 with 10 1/4% interest and the Clark bid is $76,576 with 8% <br />simple interest which figures out to a $7,OOO difference in the <br />total price. The Clark does meet the specifications for the engine <br />size and transmission. The Trojan has an air-cooled diesel motor. <br />Olinger suggested purchasing the wing separate so he can redo the <br />speefications to fit our needs. Olinger felt that the Viking wing <br />is more suitable, heavier built, has a trip mechanism, and the <br />desired hydraulics. Olinger had talked to the Crysteel Corp. and <br />will be able to purchase the wing without the installation for <br />$9,500. They can look at installing the wing themselves or having <br />Novak Inc. install it because they do an excellent job. Novak did <br />offer a 5 year lease purchase program with the installation for <br />$12,700, and payments of $299.96 per month for 60 mo. with a $10 <br />buy out at the end of the lease. The total expenditure for over <br />five years is $18,000. Dunn stated that if we can pay for it out <br />of present resrves, we certainly should do it. <br />Mazzara explained his second to the motion based on the cost <br />difference between the front-end loaders and the familiarity that <br />the Maintenance Foreman has had with the Clark machine. <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to award the contract for $93,360 on a 60 <br />month lease for the purchase of a 1984 Clark 75C front end loader <br />to Road Machinery & Supplies Co. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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