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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1985 PAGE 2 <br />M/S/P Christ/Armstrong - to grant permission for the City <br />Administrator to award the bid for the four septic tank <br />installations. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Shoreland Permit: Request from <br />Ronald W. Nelson, 4565 Olson Lake Trail <br />Mr. Nelson is proposing to construct an addition onto his existing <br />home at 4565 Olson Lake Trail. Since this lot abuts Olson Lake, <br />Shoreland Regulations apply. This new addition will not <br />physically interfere with the location of the existing septic <br />system. A new bedroom will be added in the new addition, but the <br />applicant plans to eliminate one bedroom in the existing house and <br />turn it into a den. There should be no net effect on the septic <br />system. <br />Bohrer stated that no variances are required, but recommends that <br />the permit approval be conditioned on the elimination of one <br />existing bedroom so that the addition will have no effect on the <br />septic system. <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to approve the shoreland permit for Ronald <br />Nelson at 4565 Olson Lake Trail on the condition stated by Larry <br />Bohrer in his letter dated November 14, 1985. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />C. Final Plat Approval: Tartan Meadows <br />2nd Addition, Willard Morton <br />The first addition has been completed and now Mr. Morton has <br />submitted a final plat for the second addition. There are no <br />significant changes from the original 1981 plat; therefore, a new <br />preliminary plat is not required. <br />A temporary cul-de-sac is required at the west end of 12th street <br />to allow vehicles and snow plows to turn around. A permanent <br />easement will be required for this cul-de-sac. If 12th Street is <br />extended west in the future, this cul-de-sac will be removed and <br />the permanent easement vacated. <br />The Planning Commission had asked if this cul-de-sac could be <br />Class 5 rather than tar, but Bohrer recommended that it be <br />blacktopped because it will be there for an indefinite period of <br />time. For example, in Foxfire the cul-de-sac.s have been in <br />service for six years and only one of them is just being extended <br />and eliminated now. <br />City Engineer Bohrer recommends that the final plat for Tartan <br />Meadows 2nd Addition be approved, subject to the addition of the <br />permanent roadway easement as described above. <br />Bohrer advised that after Mr. Morton executes the Developer's <br />Agreement, furnishes the required security, and furnishes the <br />easements for the cul-de-sac, the City Administrator and the Mayor <br />may sign the plat and allow it to be recorded. <br />