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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1985 PAGE 2 <br />Mr. Mazzara would like a public hearing to decide if the City <br />wants this property based on the Certificate of Title and on the <br />abstract that it is deeded to the Public for highway purposes. If <br />the City decides they do not want this property, Mazzara and <br />Taylor would like the City to vacate the property. <br />Mr. Richard Durand owns 3 1/2 acres in this area and has no access <br />to Lake Elmo Avenue. Mr. Durand asked if the City would buy this <br />property and was answered that the City does have the opton. <br />Since the City Council just received the Certificate of Title <br />showing the description and easement this evening, the Council <br />directed the City Attorney to research the matter and report back <br />to them at the next meeting. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - to table this item until the next City Council <br />meeting in order to give the City Attorney time to research this <br />matter. (Motion carried 4-0-1<abstain: Mazzara>). <br />B. Teal Pass Estates 3rd Addition: <br />Request for Partial Release of Escrow Deposit <br />City Engineer Bohrer reviewed his correspondence to the Council, <br />dated October 31, 1985, in which he recommends the original letter <br />of credit be reduced to $47,930. <br />j <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - to release $51,320 from the Developer's Letter <br />of Credit for Teal Pass Estates 3rd Addition, Sherril and Ken <br />Neudahl. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Fill Permit Request: Demontreville Highlands, <br />Third Addition <br />City Engineer Bohrer reviewed his correspondence to the Council, <br />dated October 31, 1985, in which the proposal to provide fill for <br />the separation from the groundwater table for septic system <br />purposes is requested for Lots 1-4, Block 2, DeMontreville <br />Highlands 3rd Addition. Evidently, this area had been filled and <br />compacted during the construction of the subdivision and now the <br />natural soil conditions are unsuitable for septic system purposes. <br />The Developer's grading plan was supplied to the City Engineer <br />after the cutoff date for including materials in the Council <br />packet, therefore the City Council has not had an opportunity to <br />review the grading plan in detail. <br />Mr. Kurt Laughinghouse, Representative from Derrick Land Co., <br />presented pictures of the houses in the neighborhood showing that <br />all the lots except their four lots at the southeast end slope up <br />from the street. This is what Derrick proposes, a gradual slope. <br />up from the street to the first floor level of the house. <br />