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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1985 PAGE 3 <br />Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bance advised that behind their house and between <br />the current houses and the park, all the spring runoff comes down <br />to this area and out to the road. They asked what provisions will <br />be made to take care of this water. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that what appeared to be high and dry <br />ground has been saturated for a considerable length of time. The <br />land was originally low and was filled during the grading of the <br />subdivision. Somehow this heavy soil has trapped the water and it <br />stays there. Excavating the clay and replacing it with sand would <br />not work in this case because the water from the adjacent soil <br />would just run. <br />Jim Yarusso voiced concern as to where the sewage will go because <br />he believes there is a seal somewhere. <br />City Engineer Bohrer advised that the City code allows the bottom <br />most portion of the septic system can be placed in sandy soil, <br />with not less than 4' of separation from the lowest point of the <br />drainfield to the watertable. In this case they are counting the <br />ground surface that exists today as virtually the water table. As <br />long as there is 4' of sand between the bottom of the drainfield <br />and the water table, this is considered adequate to treat the <br />sewage. The applicants are taking some risk because this soil will <br />be tested and the perk rates run in the spring after the soil has <br />been allowed to settle. <br />Roger Johnson, Soil Scientist, stated that what they are proposing <br />is fully within the meaning of the City ordinance as far as <br />providing the necessary separation distance. <br />The City Council asked Kurt Laughinghouse to provide a more <br />detailed plan which will address surface drainage, creating <br />contours that will be acceptable and compatible with the <br />neighborhood. At a later date, the suitability of the lots for <br />building purposes will be addressed. <br />D. 509 Plan: Council position on current revisions <br />to the January, 1985 509 Plan document. <br />In the Council packets there was information regarding the planned <br />VBWD's revisions to the 509 Plan. The City Engineer stated that <br />his one concern was over the revision in the proposed outlet <br />elevations of the lakes. The VBWD plans to meet the DNR's <br />requirements, which are considerably higher elevations than what <br />was originally proposed by the managers, but place the pipes low <br />enough to allow future reduction in the lake levels if the DNR's <br />position can be altered. This would mean some type of a weir. The <br />City Engineer was concerned about what the new computed flood <br />levels would be above these outlets. <br />Mayor Morgan expressed concern about the schedule in which it is <br />proposed that no construction begin until 1987 and concern for the <br />financing plan which changes from a 100% ad valorem tax to <br />