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12-03-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-03-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 4 <br />Wolff - In respect to conformance with the code regarding motor <br />vehicles, this request does not comply with the 5 foot setback to <br />the driveways and the 10 foot setback for off-street parking. The <br />argument that it would be somehow exempt from those regulations <br />because it is immediately adjacent to another parking area on the <br />adjacent property doesn't pass either. Bonestroos have only a <br />driveway for access to the garage. They do not have an off-street <br />parking area within the meaning of the code. <br />According to our code, hardship means the proposed use of the <br />property and associated structures in question cannot be <br />established under the conditions allowed by this Ordinance or its <br />amendments and no other reasonable alternative use exists. <br />However, the plight of the landowner must be due to physical <br />conditions unique to the land, structure, or buildings in the same <br />zoning district; these unique conditions of the site cannot be <br />caused or accepted by the landowner after the effective date of <br />this Ordinance or its amendments. This applies to development and <br />using this property for reasonable purposes. It doesn't mean that <br />any request to use this property for something that may be <br />permitted as an accessory use in a residential zone is a <br />reasonable use and the City has to consider a way to "shoehorn" it <br />in there. <br />This is a residential site, and it was deficient in the first <br />Place because the City had to grant a number of variances. These <br />applicants designed and accepted this lot and the construction was <br />based on these constraints. They have reasonable use of their <br />land, for a house, garage, driveway, and yard space which is all <br />they are entitled to. There is no hardship preventing them from <br />reasonable use of this land. Because of the fact that it was <br />overdeveloped, the size of the house, garage, driveway size and <br />location of the septic system means there is no place for on -site <br />parking within the required setback ordinance does not constitute <br />a hardship. There was nothing in the Developer's Agreement to <br />indicate that they were going to get a variance for off -site <br />parking. <br />City Administrator Overby gave the City Council a letter written <br />by Ben Klass, 8190 Hill Trail No., in support of denying the <br />requested variance by Dean Johnston. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated he recalled reviewing the site plan as <br />part of the original application and the site plan showed all the <br />features that were to be constructed. This site plan showed one <br />limerock driveway. <br />The public hearing was closed at 8:10 p.m., but at the request of <br />City Attorney Knaak Mayor Morgan reopened the public hearing at <br />8:13 p.m. for hardship definitions if they exist or if there is <br />anything else that should be submitted for the record. <br />Radio - The driveway was already there in 1982. The property was <br />subdivided back in 1971 so it seems that this driveway was in <br />existence prior to that effective date of the zoning ordinance. <br />
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