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12-03-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-03-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 5 <br />The use has become regular so it hasn't changed to become a <br />non -conforming use. A hardship could exist if the applicant was <br />not granted what is enjoyed by the other parties which is shown in <br />the pictures that were entered into the record. <br />The public hearing was closed by Mayor Morgan at 8:15 p.m. <br />Mayor Morgan will abstain from voting on any decision because he <br />works at the same company Dean Johnston does. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn-to delay a decision on granting a variance to <br />Dean Johnston at 8200 Hill Trail North until the City Council <br />Meeting on January 7, 1986. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'SREPORT <br />A. 201 Program - Bid Update <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that bids were solicited for a <br />second time and only one bid was received. The bid was from Lee's <br />Construction Company of Isanti, Minnesota, for a total of <br />$12,900.00. The City Engineer explained that the bid exceeded the <br />$10,000.00 maximum which is allowed by the MPCA under these <br />streamlined procedures. Bohrer stated that, in his opinion, the <br />Keane septic system was the least severe hardship since the Keanes <br />have vacated the house. Bohrer has contacted Mr. Keane, and he <br />has agreed to allow his name to be deleted from the emergency <br />list. The contractor has also agreed to delete the work at the <br />Keane residence. <br />Bohrer reported that the MPCA has given their verbal approval to <br />awarding the work, therefore, the Engineer recommended that the <br />work involved in replacing the septic systems at 9199 Jane Road <br />North, 9369 Jane Road North, and 4611 Birchbark Trail, be awarded <br />to Lee's Construction Company in the amount of $9,400.00. The <br />work at 9359 Jane Road North was deleted. <br />Councilman Christ questioned the high bid price for the work. <br />Bohrer explained that the price is higher than what one would <br />normally expect, but some of the site constraints make this cost <br />so high. These three tanks are probably the most difficult of any <br />because of the high water condition and tight working conditions, <br />i.e., for all three sites the excavation will have to be dewatered <br />in order to install the tanks. Some additional work on the tanks <br />may be necessary in order to avoid flotation. The sites are <br />restricted in that the septic tank delivery truck will not be able <br />to back right up to the excavation, and the contractor will have <br />to carry in the tanks with another piece of equipment. The time <br />of year, winter, also adds to the cost of the work. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to accept the bid from Lee's Construction <br />Company of Isanti, MN to replace the septic systems at 9199 Jane <br />Road North, 9369 Jane Road North, and 4611 Birchbark Trail in the <br />amount of $9,400.00. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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