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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 9 <br />Transportation Company for a Railroad Auto Unloading Facility <br />which would be located south of Highway 5 and east of Highway 694, <br />,north of Stillwater Boulevard and west of County Road 13B. As of <br />this date, the City of Lake Elmo nor the VBWD has been asked about <br />their concerns or input for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. <br />The City Council directed the City Administrator to communicate to <br />Oakdale Lake Elmo's concerns with this project and any impact it <br />would have on this City. Oakdale will also be asked to keep Lake <br />Elmo informed on the progress of this proposal. <br />4. Baytown Township <br />City Administrator Overby will write a letter to Baytown Township <br />informing them that the City Council is not interested in paying a <br />contractor for the maintenance work done on the very northeast <br />corner of Manning Avenue. The City will only do the portion we <br />are responsible for. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - to adjourn the City Council Meeting at 9:20 <br />p.m. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />