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12-03-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-03-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 8 <br />M/S/P Dunn/Christ - to approve the following liquor licenses for <br />1986; VFW P st 5725 - On -Sale and Special Sunday Event License for <br />Novemer 9, 16, 23 and another date not yet determined in 1986; <br />Twin Point Tavern - On -Sale, Off -Sale and Sunday; Lake.Elmo Inn - <br />On -Sale, Off -Sale and Sunday; Tartan Park - On -Sale and On -Sale <br />Sunday; and to approve the following non -intoxicating malt liquor <br />licenses for 1986; Brooks Superette - Off Sale; Cimarron Park - <br />On -Sale. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Sunfish Park Trails - Recommendations for fencing <br />off and posting deqd-end trails. <br />City Administrator Overby pointed out on a map which trails will <br />be fenced off in Sunfish Park. Councilman Christ suggested asking <br />the Park Commission as to which trails should be groomed. The <br />Grooming Contract with the County was discussed and a letter will <br />be sent to the County requesting grooming for these trails. <br />Lake Jane Pumping <br />On November 19, 1985 the City Council had given the VBWD <br />permission to pump for an additional 30 days. The City Council <br />required the pump to be shut-off by December 15, 1985 to allow for <br />some recovery of Park Pond. City Administrator Overby will call <br />Dick Murray to find out what the VBWD intentions and concerns are <br />as far as pumping through the winter. <br />City Engineeer Bohrer explained that if they shut the pump off on <br />December 15, 1985 and get the water out of the lines so they don't <br />have an ice block, the pump could be reopened-- on February 15, <br />1986. It was felt that if this is done it would ruin the park for <br />any kind of skiing. <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to•shut the pump off on Lake Jane on December <br />15, 1985 and let the VBWD advise on start-up time. (Motion <br />carried 4-1<Mazzara-would like to talk to the VBWD before they <br />shut the pump off>). <br />E. 1. Park Shelter Workers <br />The City Administrator will go ahead and handle the interviews and <br />select the persons best qualified for the park shelter positions. <br />It should be noted to the candidates as to what is expected of <br />them regarding skatable conditions which includes time, <br />temperature and weather. <br />2. League of Cities Directory <br />The City Council gave their approval to have their home addresees <br />listed in this directory of elected officials. <br />3. Railraod Auto Unloading Facility Proposed in Oakdale <br />It was brought up to the attention of the Council that Oakdale has <br />before them a concept plan from the Chicago and Northwestern <br />
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