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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />doing this, a little will be coming out of all govt. units. It <br />will be better to cut 2-3 percent across the board. <br />Another concern has been insurance. We have put together a good <br />and fair insurance package, but couldn't pass it. This will be <br />brought up again in this session. <br />Gary Laidig - We appreciate the good line of communication we have <br />with the City of Lake Elmo. The revenue projections will be the <br />most important item for the next session and it doesn't look <br />optimistic. We have met with the executives from the St.Paul <br />insurance companies to get an understanding from an internal <br />company perspective of what is happening. We will be talking <br />about tort reform which the trial lawyers are unahppy with. Also <br />to be discussed is Commissioner Hatch's proposal to socialize the <br />insurance industry by state involvement by joint underwriting <br />association. <br />Councilmember Armstrong remarked about the Port Authority having <br />Eminent Domain over the land east of the St. Paul area, and how it <br />was suggested that the Port Authority condemn this land and bring <br />business out here to employ innercity people. We would not like <br />to see land condemned for business purposes. <br />Gary Laidig advised that the Sunray Holiday Inn and the Ramada. Inn <br />expansion was built by the Port Authority. They have become quite <br />an economic development tool. The powers and membership have been <br />highly contested and Eminent Domain will be part of it. <br />Mayor Morgan stated when you have development you start draining <br />your water onto your neighbors. This includes the State of MN <br />when they start building highways which has a drastic affect on <br />the rate the water drains off the area. into Lake Elmo. We are <br />still looking for a way to get agencies to move faster and to <br />resolve this problem. <br />Another concern is Landfills which do not work and it costs more <br />to correct the problem than try to use different ways of getting <br />rid of solid waste. Lake Elmo has a contaminated Landfill which <br />is causing great problems. There is even indications that there <br />are to be other Landfill sites in our City. We would certainly <br />resist this because of the bad experience we have had. <br />Senator Laidig who is on the Waste Management Board advised??Tat <br />they will be discussing lifting the moratorium on a siting with <br />four candidate sites. We have found out that we don't have as <br />much hazardous waste as we thought produced. <br />Mayor Morgan stated that we have never recovered the costs <br />incurred from the mandated programs such as comparable worth and <br />the Comprehensive Land Planning Act. Development is not the <br />answer. The need for services outruns the revenue that <br />development brings in. <br />6. PLANNING AND LAND USE <br />