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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 3 <br />A. Hammes Mining CUP <br />Bill Hammes and Dorothy Lyons were asked if they understood that <br />renewal of the Hammes Mining CUP is contingent on the .five (5) <br />concerns for code violation enforcement and the proposed 3-1-86 <br />cleanup deadline that was agreed upon with the Hammes by the City <br />staff in November, 1985. Dorothy Lyons stated that they feel the <br />same and will make a conscientious effort to meet this deadline. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Christ - to approve Resolution 86-15 Hammes Mining CUP <br />Renewal contingent upon the concerns and deadline outlined in this <br />resolution by City Attorney Knaak. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Approve New List of Planning Issues <br />I-5. Selection of population forecasts <br />Armstrong - Is it to our advantage to continue on the same scale <br />as we were before or as the City has been growing rather than what <br />the Metro Council suggests. <br />II-3. Targeted mill rates and assessed valuation. <br />Armstrong - Do we really have to set a maximum? There is some <br />question if this is a planning issue or a budget issue. <br />II-4. Capital Improvement Program for existing road and future <br />right-of-ways. <br />Armstrong - Should this not be a developer's cost in the future? <br />Dunn - We should accept those as valid figures from the Metro <br />Council. <br />III-2. Protection of lakes and wetlands. <br />Armstrong - We should add floodplains to this item. <br />Mayor Morgan - The City should have an idea of what kind of <br />personality or character it has. I don't know how you can make it <br />a planning issue, but I wish there was more indication of the kind <br />of community we would like to be. <br />C. Metro Council Development & Investment Framework <br />The Metro Council has prepared a draft report which revises <br />downward their earlier projections of local population growth and <br />household formation. This information will be discussed at a <br />later date. <br />D. Washington County HRA <br />Dennis Balyeat, Director of the Washington County Housing and <br />Development Authority, addressed the Council regarding entering <br />