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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1986 Page 2 <br />Scotty Lyall was not available for an interview for the Parks <br />Commission. His application and Gloria Knoblauch's application <br />will be kept on file. <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to appoint Robert Haacke as 2nd Alternate <br />on the Parks Commission. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. PLANNING AND LAND USE <br />A. Zoning District Amendment - A.M. and Paul Palzer <br />This rezoning was tabled from the 2-4-86 meeting to allow for <br />further consideration. <br />Additional information regarding clustering 6 lots, each 1 1/2 <br />acres, along Keats Avenue was brought in by the Palzer's. Because <br />of this new information, it was suggested that the Planning <br />Commission take a look at the application. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to remand the Palzer rezoning request to <br />the Planning Commission based on the additional information <br />acquired. (Motion carried 4-1<Mazzara-felt there was enough <br />information to make a decision>). <br />B. County Solid Waste Master Plan - <br />Landfill Site in Lake Elmo <br />Mayor Morgan stated that there is already one landfill failure in <br />our City that is contaminating private wells and that has not been <br />corrected. Many citizens were forced to leave their homes to make <br />room for the Regional Park with the understanding that the land <br />would be forever in park land. The proposed landfill site is <br />dangerously close to Eagle Point Lake which, with the modified 509 <br />Plan drains into areas not only in Lake Elmo, but communities <br />downstream. Mayor Morgan feels that there is no such thing as a <br />"safe" landfill, which unfortunately is only discovered after the <br />hazard has been created. It also was suggested that when the <br />County does an Environmental Impact Statement the City should get <br />a copy and be informed. <br />Councilman Dunn will voice these City's strong objections against <br />the proposed landfill site at the meeting on Wednesday, February <br />19th. <br />M/S/P Punn/Mazzara - to dref.t.a resolution condemning the proposed <br />landfill site in the Regional Park based on the objections stated. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Oakdale Comprehensive Plan Amendments <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that the City has been provided with <br />a copy of Oakdale's proposed comprehensive plan amendment. The <br />purpose of the Oakdale amendment is to update their Comprehensive <br />