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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br />MARCH 4, 1986 <br />} <br />MINUTES Y. <br />Mayor Morgan called the City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />in the City Council Chambers. Present: Armstrong, Dunn, Mazzara, <br />Christ (arrived 7:05 p.m.), City Administrator Overby, City <br />Engineer Bohrer and Attorney Kathleen Rauenhorst. <br />1. Agenda <br />Add: 6D. School Crossing Update, 8C. Entrance Road to Sunfish <br />Park, 9. City Attorney's Report <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - to approve the agenda for the March 4, 1986 <br />City Council meeting as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Minutes: February 18, 1986 <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - to approve the February 18, 1986 City <br />Council Minutes as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />3. Claims <br />Councilwoman Armstrong suggested that Claim #87090 Pitney Bowes <br />Credit Corp. - payment on postage meter & scale of $230.00 not be <br />paid until further information is available. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to approve the March 4, 1986 Claims 87089 <br />thru 87141, excluding claim 87090, as presented: (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />4. Public Inquiries <br />There were no public inquiries. <br />5. PLANNING AND LAND USE <br />A. Zoning District Amendment - A.M. and Paul Palzer <br />Mr. John Bannigan of the Bannigan & Kelly law firm of St. Paul <br />represented A.M. and Paul Palzer for rezoning from Agricultural to <br />Rural Residentail a 40 acre parcel of land located on Keats <br />Apenue. He stated that the Palzer's have presented a concept plan <br />proposing seven single family cluster development along the <br />westside of the Keats Avenue right-of-way. This concept plan is <br />sensitive to and utilizes the cluster development and intends to <br />preserve what is considered important to this community, namely, <br />Ag land, open spaces and scenic views. The property in question <br />is bounded on the east and the west by Rural Residental zoning and <br />the proposal is consistent with that land use as presently zoned <br />and utilized in the community. It is highly improbable that <br />farming would ever be reestablished on this parcel. Immediately <br />to the north boundary, there is a parcel that is already used for <br />commercial use under CUP 2 for Lauseng Stone. No urban services <br />