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03-04-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-04-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />The Council discussed adopting a resolution condemning the action <br />of the Ramsey County Board for choosing options other than an <br />adequate public water supply to resolve the pollution problem they <br />created at the Lake Jane Landfill. This will be followed by a <br />letter to Ramsey County indicating the charcoal filtration is <br />totally unacceptable to the City of Lake Elmo. The City will <br />attempt a "face-to-face" meeting with the MPCA to find out why <br />they feel the charcoal filtration system is an acceptable <br />solution. The City will also communicate to its Legislators its <br />concerns over the time it took for this problem to be resolved and <br />the fact that another landfill in Lake Elmo is under <br />consideration. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to adopt resolution 86-21 condemning the <br />action of the Ramsey County Board for choosing options other than <br />an adequate public water supply to resolve the pollution problem <br />they created at the Lake Jane Landfill and a letter following to <br />Ramsey County, with copies sent to the MPCA, Washington County and <br />Senator Laidig and Rep. McPherson, indicating the charcoal <br />filtration is totally unacceptable to the City of Lake Elmo. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. 1986 Sealcoating Project: Set date for public hearing. <br />In 1983 the City adopted a six year seal coat program in which all <br />of the City streets that would be preserved or benefited from a <br />seal coat would be seal coated on a six year rotational basis. <br />The last one-third of the City streets which need to be done are <br />scheduled for 1986. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to instruct City Administrator Overby to <br />prepare a public hearing notice for the 1986 Seal coat Program and <br />to select a hearing date. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. School Crossing - Update <br />On March 4, 1986 a meeting took place at the Lake Elmo City office <br />in regard to the school crossing light proposed for TH5, near the <br />intersection with County Road 17 (Lake Elmo Avenue). Persons in <br />attendance included City Engineer Bohrer, City Administrator <br />Overby, Maurice Jensen ISD 834 Business Manager, Lake Elmo School <br />Principal Bill Rhodenbaugh, MnDOT staff Kurt Gobeli and a Mr. <br />Kastner. <br />The proposal is to erect a flashing signal as an advance warning <br />to the crossing area. A signal would be located 300 feet to the <br />east and to the west in advance of the actual crossing. In <br />addition, right at the crossing there would be the standard <br />pentagon shape "school crosswalk" symbol. <br />Options that were discussed: (1) The light could be set on a <br />timer and only flash during those times when children are expected <br />to be present and would be turned off on weekends or summertime. <br />(2) The City could request MnDOT to establish a school zone speed <br />limit. <br />
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