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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 4 <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Bellaire Sanitation - Request for variance from spring <br />road weight restrictions. <br />This item was tabled from the last Council meeting on 2-18-86 to <br />obtain information as to how other municipalities in the area <br />handle such requests. <br />John Maroney, Maroney Service, was in attendance to request a <br />variance from spring road weight restrictions. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong and Councilman Christ expressed their <br />concern to save the roads, however not to interfere with the <br />public health concern of leaving trash uncollected. Armstrong <br />also felt that because the County didn't give out any variances, <br />then the City shouldn't give any variances either. <br />Councilmen Christ and Mazzara would support a compromise of 7 tons <br />per axle and for haulers to use their discretion on roads they <br />travel on. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to amend the load limits for the garbage <br />and septic haulers operating within the City of Lake Elmo to 7 <br />tons per axle, acknowledging that the County and State still have <br />the option to ticket the truck if it is overloaded while traveling <br />on a County or State roadway coming to or leaving Lake Elmo. <br />(Motion carried 4-1<Armstrong>). <br />B. County Landfill Water Supply Project <br />Councilman Christ informed the City Counsil that the Ramsey County <br />Board changed their attitude and decided that they didn't need to <br />supply community water to the residents affected by the Lake Jane <br />Landfill contamination. Ramsey County decided to pass a <br />resolution agreeing to install individual granular activated <br />carbon filtering units in the residences within the landfill <br />advisory area. The residents totally objected to this. <br />Councilman Christ stated that just cleaning the water would not <br />solve the hardships that homeowners have faced for the past <br />several years and will probably face in the future. Christ feels <br />that consideration of the reduction in market values of the homes <br />in the affected area has not been addressed by the Minnesota <br />Pollution Control Agency. He feels it is necessary to demonstrate <br />there's a reduction in market values of up to $45-$50,000, and one <br />of the residents has already experienced this. <br />Mayor Morgan stressed that we have a very grave problem right now. <br />We must convince the Ramsey County Board and the Minnesota <br />Pollution Control Agency that the charcoal system is not an <br />adequate solution to this problem. Morgan added that there are <br />some dangerous chemicals that can't be filtered out. Charcoal is <br />not the safest or the most effective way to solve this problem. <br />