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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 7 <br />to the Washington County Soil Survey the eastern half appears to <br />be better than the western half. The drainage on the lot is <br />generally from north to south. The elevation on the north along <br />the access road is about 932 and drops off about 2 feet to the <br />south. When the area was subdivided, the Watershed District did <br />recommend a minimum building elevation of 933 for this lot. All <br />the ponding requirements have been met by the subdivision plan. <br />The City Council appointed Councilmen Dunn, City Engineer Bohrer, <br />City Administrator Overby and Dan Olinger to begin the preliminary <br />planning and report back at the next meeting. City Administrator <br />Overby will check with the City Attorney regarding the liability <br />question of using volunteers. <br />8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Review bids received for new dump truck, underbody plow, <br />sander, and reversible snow plow - Dan Olinger <br />This item was tabled from the 2-18-86 meeting. Dan Olinger <br />presented the bid sheets to the City Council and explained that <br />$50,000 was budgeted for this in 1986. Olinger recommended not <br />trading in the 1979 Ford Truck, but selling it outright. He also <br />recommended buying the truck from Lakeland Ford and dump body and <br />hydraulics from J. Kraft, the underbody snowblade as bid, and the <br />reversible snowplow and sander from Little Falls Machine. <br />Mayor Morgan suggested that the City Council take a look at the <br />low bidders in each case and why the bids are not accepted and <br />will make their decision at the next meeting. <br />B. Cost comparisons on need for air compressor and air <br />hammer - Dan Olinger <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that a portable air compressor is <br />necessary for the street department to do a good job. It is a <br />multi -purpose piece of equipment that, among other tasks, can blow <br />out the cracks prior to sealing them. <br />Maintenance Foreman Olinger explained that there is $5,000 in the <br />budget for an air compressor and based on the rental costs, it <br />would be a savings to purchase a used air compressor. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - to approve the purchase of a 1975 Leroi 175 <br />c.f.m. compressor from Carlson Equipment who have also agreed to <br />include a jackhammer and hose for $4,995. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Entrance Road to Sunfish Park <br />City Administrator Overby advised the City Council that the <br />entrance road has become quite rutted and muddy. <br />Dunn stated that past practice has been to shut it down <br />temporarily at this time of year. Even though we might have <br />snowstorms where people want to ski in the park, they just park at <br />