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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 8 <br />the road and ski back into the trails. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to leave the closing of the entrance road <br />to Sunfish Park to the discretion of the Maintenance Foreman Dan <br />Olinger. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT <br />Attorney Kathy Rauenhorst advised the Council that Pat Klaers' <br />unemployment benefit claim has been approved by the State of <br />Minnesota. She also stated that the City has won the Alford Case <br />on all .points and doesn't see an appeal forthcoming. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Armstrong - to adjourn the City Council meeting at <br />9:55 p.m. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Resolution 86-21 condemning the action;of the Ramsey County <br />Board for choosing options other than an adequate public water <br />supply to resolve the pollution problem they created at the Lake <br />Jane Landfill <br />