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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />separation from the water table for proposed septic systems. City <br />Engineer Bohrer felt it was appropriate to update the Council on <br />the progress of this project. <br />Placing of the fill and installation of the water level <br />observation wells was completed on January 15, 1986. Water level <br />readings were begun on April 1, 1986 in accordance with the City <br />Code. The water level readings are taken by Roger S. Johnson, a <br />certified site evaluator hired by Derrick to monitor this <br />project. The water level readings are also witnessed by the City <br />Building Official to insure independent evaluation. At the time <br />the lot filling was completed, Mr. Johnson submitted a schedule <br />dated January 15, 1986 for completion of the project. The <br />schedule was reviewed and felt reasonable. <br />When City Engineer Bohrer looked at the site on April 11, 1986 he <br />found the site was basically as he expected from looking at the <br />plans that Derrick submitted late last Fall. Bohrer stated that <br />it is a little premature to decide whether the lots are buildable <br />or not buildable from the standpoint of soil acceptability. By <br />the next City Council meeting there should be sufficient data to <br />indicate whether these sites are going to be suitable for septic <br />system purposes. <br />Mayor Morgan responded that we have no intention of letting <br />people build on lots that don't meet our ordinance for <br />perculation and change the character of the neighborhood or to <br />drain water on soils that are not in the drainage way at the <br />present time. <br />Gary Bance, 5771 HyTrail Avenue N., informed the Council that he <br />tried to buy the lot adjacent to him, but found it wouldn't perk. <br />The lots are not even close to resembling any of the landscaping <br />around that area. Also, all the water runoff in the back is <br />going to have to go down into the park area. <br />Lew Schuweiller, (who is interested in buying lot 4) requested <br />that Roger Machmeier of Resource Engineering make an evaluation <br />of the soil conditions. His response was that if you have no <br />where for the water to go at a certain point it is going to <br />collect and no matter how much you put above it you are still <br />going to end up with a swimming pool effect. He suggested that <br />the City retain Mr. Machmeier and get a professional opinion. <br />Donna Bance asked after this has been all approved by the Council <br />and people build, who is responsible if problems should arise. <br />Bohrer replied that if there are problems with septic systems <br />that "meet the code" it would be treated the same as any septic <br />system in any area of the town. It is not the responsibility of <br />the City. <br />Councilman Christ felt there is no other lot in that entire area <br />that has 5 foot ditches on the corner of every lot. As far as he <br />is concerned, it is a totally unacceptable grading plan from a <br />perspective of the other lots in the area and, hence, it should <br />be brought up to an existing level and other drainage provided. <br />