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04-15-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-15-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 1986 PAGE 3 <br />Mayor Morgan suggested that the City Engineer and the Building <br />Official go out and see if they can recommend something that <br />would make those lots more compatible. On the other hand, if <br />they don't meet the perculation requirements no building permits <br />will be issued. <br />City engineer Bohrer pointed out his concern that it seems there <br />are many people checking the levels of the water here. We do <br />have the Building Inspector to witness the test. <br />Councilman Dunn commented with regard to the soil expert that the <br />City has a building inspector and a City Engineer both of which <br />are qualified to engineer, design and inspect septic system <br />soils. He further stated that if anyone feels that the City's <br />people are not qualified, then they should go out and hire their <br />own because it is not the City's responsibility to go out and <br />hire additional personnel. The people will get good <br />respresentation from the City Engineer and Building Inspector. <br />B. Public Hearing : 1986 Street Sealcoating Program <br />and Related Assessments. <br />Mayor Morgan opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />City Engineer Bohrer explained that in 1983, a City-wide <br />sealcoating program was developed to reduce deterioration and <br />extend service life of bituminous streets. The program provided <br />for one-third of the City streets to be sealed every other year. <br />In this way, each street would be sealed once every six years. <br />By scheduling the sealcoating projects for the even numbered <br />years, the City program can be incorporated into the Washington <br />County sealcoating program for a considerable cost savings. <br />City Engineer Bohrer showed a City map with the streets proposed <br />to be sealcoated as originally set forth in the 1983 sealcoating <br />report. The engineer recommended that the following changes be <br />made in the 1986 sealcoating program. <br />a. Reid Park parking lot should be sealcoated this year <br />since it was constructed in 1983. <br />b. Lower 33rd Street and Klondike Avenue should be sealcoated <br />if they cannot be reconstructed with MSA funds. <br />c. Delete 15th Street due to severe breakup this spring. <br />d. Delete Layton Avenue due to severe breakup this spring. <br />e. Delete 34th Street, west of CSAH 17 because of <br />conflicting 201 construction. <br />f. Delete North Service Drive since it has been taken <br />over by MnDOT for maintenance purposes. <br />The financing plan adopted for this sealcoating program is 20% <br />special assessment and 80% ad valorem tax. This formula was <br />
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