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05-06-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-06-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />Mayor Morgan added that if you have a place to put the water, you <br />can pump these ponds and they will stay down. If there is an <br />outlet to Tartan Park and to Lake Elmo, maybe there is some hope <br />that at least late this Fall, something can be done. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that when Eden Park, First Addition, <br />was first platted there was a drainage easement that was reserved <br />for about elevation 890. <br />In retrospect, Morgan stated, perhaps the needs and size of the <br />ponds may have been underestimated knowing the history of the past <br />20 years, because even the ponds that are uneffected by <br />development are at a 40 year record. high. <br />Jim Weyer, President of the Lake Jane Association told the Council <br />there is always a possibility that the 509 Plan may not go through <br />for one reason or another. Weyer stres.Ted that it is imperative <br />for all residents of the City to attend the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District's public hearing for May 19, 1986 at Oakland <br />Junior High School -at 7:30 p.m.. They can make known their <br />support of this Plan to the VBWD Board of Directors, as <br />implementation of this program will open up options for correcting <br />other water problems throughout the City. <br />Request for "no -wake" on Lake Jane <br />Jim Weyer, representing the Lake Jane Association, requested that <br />the City again ban the use of gasoline motors on Lake Jane. Weyer <br />stated that in the past the ban went into effect when Lake Jane <br />reached 924, and as of 5-5-86 Lake Jane was at 924.18. Homeowners <br />have already started sandbagging and building dikes because of the <br />danger of homes flooding. This ban on gasoline motors is to <br />protect these dikes and sandbags, to prevent as much erosion to <br />property as possible. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to approve the Lake Jane Association's <br />request to ban the use of gasoline motors on Lake Jane when the <br />level is above 924, but with the stipulation that this ban be <br />lifted when the lake level drops below 924. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. 31st Street Homeowners: water problems. <br />There were no 31st Street homeowners in attendance for the public <br />inquiries. <br />5. Street Light Request for 21st Street North and Manning Avenue: <br />Roger Columbo <br />Roger Columbo presented a petition for a street light request <br />signed by 75% of the residents within 300 feet of the proposed <br />street light. The residents feel that the light is needed for two <br />reasons: 1. In the winter there are a number of school children <br />standing in the dark waiting for the school bus, and 2. In the <br />evening it is an easy corner to miss and a good potential for <br />rear -end accidents. Since there is a utility pole available at <br />
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