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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 3 <br />the intersection, NSP had informed the City that there would be no <br />installation cost, but there would be annual electrical charge. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Armstrong - to approve a street light request by <br />Roger Columbo for 21st St. N. and Manning as petitioned by 75% of <br />the surrounding property owners. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. Discussion of Subdivision and Variances Request: <br />Ken Sovereign, 4415 Olson Lake Trail N. <br />Mr. Sovereign's request was first discussed at the 3-24-86 Council <br />meeting before the development moratorium went into effect. Mr. <br />Sovereign was not at that meeting, but was represented by his <br />surveyor, Bruce Folz. Mr. Sovereign requested the Council to <br />table the public hearing until the April 15th meeting so he could <br />be present. City Administrator Overby had pointed out that the <br />Council could not take action on this request after the <br />development moratorium ordinance takes effect on 4-2-86. The <br />Council passed a motion (5-0) to table the application until after <br />the six month moratorium. <br />Mr. Sovereign was present to ask the City Council to reconsider <br />its motion to table his subdivision request. Mr. Sovereign stated <br />that he felt the ordinance still permitted his application to be <br />considered and nothing will be built on the property so it will <br />not interfere with the moratorium. <br />Steve Carlson informed the City Council that the understanding was <br />the application request was tabled until the six month moratorium. <br />If it was to be discussed a motion has to be made to take the <br />request off the table. In reviewing the ordinance, the proposal <br />is inf_act -subject to the moratorium as passed. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to take off the table the Ken Sovereign's <br />subdivision and variance application at 4415 Olson Lake TBil. <br />(Motion carried 4-1<Mazzara>). Amended 5-15-8 (See Pg. <br />Mr. Sovereign explained his subdivision and variance request and <br />his concern of the lot size requirement being changed in the R-1 <br />zone during the moratorium. He re-emphasized that his subdivision <br />and variance request was requested before the moratorium went into <br />effect. <br />Mayor Morgan stated that by doing nothing it is under the <br />moratorium and suggested Mr. Sovereign simplify his explanations <br />in order to v0derstand his request. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - to table until the end of the moratorium the <br />request for a subdivision and variances from Ken Sovereign, 4415 <br />Olson Lake Trail N. (Motion carred 5-0). <br />7. Public Hearing Variance from ten foot side yard setback <br />in R-1 zone. Glen Wichelmann, 9065 28th Street N. <br />Pursuant to published notice Mayor Morgan opened up the public <br />