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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1, 1986 PAGE 8 <br />Park located just south of the C&NW Railroad and west of Kelvin <br />Avenue. Bohrer indicated he had verbal approval from Park <br />Director Jack Perkovich. The land is rented to Paul Bischoff and <br />planted in corn. Mr. Bischoff is also in same Federal Program <br />that pays $100 per acre, in addition to the profit from the corn <br />itself. Mr. Bischoff is not opposed to the City using this land <br />for infiltrating water, as long as he is compensated for his loss. <br />For the purpose of this estimate, he is assuming that up to 20 <br />acres could be ruined, at a cost of up to $300 per acre. <br />The pump could be set up on the south side of TH5 and the pipe <br />laid along the right-of-way. A culvert would have to be bored <br />under the railroad. The revised project cost is as follows: <br />Pump, pipe, fuel per VBWD estimate $28,500 to $33,200 <br />Bore culvert under railroad $6,000 <br />Crop damage, 20 acres @$300 $6,000 <br />Total Estimated Project Cost $40,500 to $45,200 <br />Assessing the cost over the 534 parcels that were originally <br />assessed in the City's Lake Jane pumping projects would give <br />estimated assessments ranging from $76 to $85 per parcel. <br />C. Water Problems on Lake Jane, Legion Pond <br />Jim Weyer mentioned that the 509 Plan might be detained about two <br />weeks becauuse of a lawsuit filed by the City of Lakeland against <br />the 509 Plan. He sees April or May as a first date the water would <br />flow out of Lake Jane from improvements by the watershed project. <br />The water level of Lake Jane has risen to 926.7 (as of June 25th) <br />and is continuing to rise about 1 inch per day. The elevation on <br />the 25th is two -tenths of a foot above the record level of July, <br />1985. At least 10 homes on Lake Jane are below the current lake <br />level, according to Jim Weyer. <br />There was discussion from the Legion Pond residents on whether to <br />consider the pumping of water from Legion Pond to Lake Elmo and <br />assessing landowners in the subwatershed (about 80 acres). Don <br />Clausen proposed to do the pumping himself because he did not want <br />anyone coming onto his property and taking down his fence like the <br />last time. <br />It was pointed out by City Administrator Overby that a City can <br />apply for up to $15,000 in state funds, which would have to be <br />matched equally by local funding. The Council felt that this <br />source of assistance could be beneficial for both Lake Jane and <br />Legion Pond property owners. The City will apply for a grant <br />offered by the DNR for flood related projects, if the matching <br />local funds can be obtained. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - to hold a public improvement hearing on <br />July 21, 1986 at 7:30 to consider the pumping of water from Legion <br />Pond to Lake Elmo and assess landowners in the subwatershed <br />