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07-01-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-01-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1, 1986 PAGE 7 <br />City Attorney Knaak handed out the authorized state statutes and <br />regulations on surface water use. He added that the City can <br />regulate surface water use on Lake Elmo by ordinance with the <br />approval of the DNR Commissioners. <br />A suggestion was made to have a public hearing involving Lake Elmo <br />lake residents to determine the regulations they would like to see <br />on the lake. City Attorney Knaak will draw up a draft ordinance <br />to be reviewed by the City Council before a public hearing is <br />scheduled. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to have a staff update on water safety on <br />Lake Elmo and existing local ordinances. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />11. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Derrick Land Company: Results of Percolation Tests <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported in his report dated June 26, 1986 <br />written to the Mayor and Council that the monitoring is now <br />complete and the results are attached to this report. The <br />critical elevation for these sites based on the approved grading <br />plan is 974.0. Two consecutive water level readings above 974.0 <br />in any of the observation wells would classify the site as <br />unacceptable. The results show that all of the lots are <br />unacceptable to varying degrees. <br />City Administrator Overby handed out a letter written by Mr. Roger <br />Derrick's Attorney Christopher J. Diet-zen dated June 27, 1986. <br />Mr. Roger Derrick, who was accompanied by Doreen McClellan, <br />acknowledged that all four tests failed. He felt they failed <br />because the grading was not completed and because April was one of <br />the wettest months on record. His engineers have reviewed the <br />grading plan and have approved it. He added that it is Derrick's <br />intentions to complete the grading work before the grading permit <br />expires this Fall (November 19, 1986). He will add more fill, put <br />topsoil on and seed it so it looks good and would like this to set <br />another winter so percolation tests can be taken next Spring. Mr. <br />Derrick showed the City Council an illustration of how the filled <br />lots would look. City Engineer Bohrer stated that, from an <br />engineering standpoint, he could not predict today the results of <br />the grading plan for next Spring. <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to table final action on the Derrick Landfill <br />permit (Lots 1-4, Block 2, DeMontreville Highlands 3rd Addition) <br />until the July 15,1986 meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Sunfish Lake Pumping <br />At the City Council's direction, City Engineer Bohrer has <br />continued to search for a suitable location to dispose of excess <br />Sunfish Lake water by pumping and infiltration. There appears to <br />be a suitable 40 acre parcel in the Washington County Regional <br />
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