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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1, 1986 PAGE 6 <br />Gambling Ordinance and against all the proposed amendments. <br />Dan Novak, Planning Commission member, stated that the Lake Elmo <br />Jaycees have been so successful over the years without the need of <br />Charitable Gambling. For this same reason, he doesn't understand <br />the need now for Charitable Gambling other than raffles. It's his <br />belief that by liberalizing our Charitable Gambling Ordinance we <br />are compromising our value system for a fast buck and because <br />everyone else seems to be doing it. <br />Tim Fitzpatrick, Chairman of the Fall Festival at Guardian Angels <br />Church, would find the second and third amendments restrictive and <br />would like more clarification on the fourth amendment. He asked <br />why do we have to be more legal than the State of Minnesota. <br />Marge Williams, Planning Commmission Member, spoke in support of <br />the Charitable Gambling amendments. <br />Todd Williams voiced a concern that any charitable organization <br />not based in Lake Elmo could come into the City and run Charitable <br />Gambling and this should be restricted. <br />City Attorney Knaak added that Item 4. could be found illegal if <br />challenged. <br />Terry Needham, Lake Elmo Jaycees stated that they do not plan on <br />bringing any gambling devices outside of a building. He added <br />that they will be paying the Twin Point Tavern a percentage for <br />using their establishment. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong felt that charitable gambling organizations <br />should provide the City of Lake Elmo with a copy of their monthly <br />report and any other reports to the State Charitable Gambling <br />Control Board. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to delay action on the proposed charitable <br />gambling amendments until the July 15, 1986 City Council meeting. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />A. Water Safety on Lake Elmo <br />Because of an accident involving a rowboat and motorboat operating <br />on Lake Elmo on Sunday, June 8, 1986, the Council discussed the <br />safety of boating on the lake. Since the opening of the Park <br />Reserve, the traffic on the lake has increased and the Council <br />would like to propose some restrictions that would possibly help <br />prevent accidents of this nature in the future. Another concern <br />was the water patrol of this lake, as it was pointed out that <br />there is only one full-time water patrol officer for all of the <br />county lakes, which includes Lake Elmo. <br />