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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 15, 1986 PAGE 3 <br />still premature at this time. The items required in the permit which <br />are a possible setback variance from the water and a possible variance <br />for building elevation are still in a state of flux until the 509 <br />Project is complete. <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to table the shoreland permit by Mike Wagner at <br />9040 Lake Jane Trail until the 509 Project is complete and until it <br />can be determined if any variance is required. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />8. Shoreland Permit and Variances: Maurice McCollar, 8034 Hill <br />Trail N. <br />On July 1, 1986 Mr. Maurice McCollar came before the City Council in <br />public hearing for the purpose of requesting a variance to the Lake <br />Elmo City Code to construct an attached garage to his house at 8034 <br />Hill Trail. Based on the testimony and other evidence adduced at the <br />hearing, the City Council made the following Findings of Fact (See <br />Appendix A). Mr. McCollar now states that the lot to the south has <br />been transferred to another individual on July 3, 1986. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - to deny the application of Maurice McCollar for a <br />Shoreland Permit and variance to add a garage to an existing structure <br />at 8034 Hill Trail N. based on the foregoing facts as determined by <br />the City Council at a public hearing. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />9. Yard Waste Collection and Processing <br />Rick Groomes has met with John Madole in regard to the <br />Maroney-Eisenger proposal, collecting yard waste from the trash and <br />composting it. The proposalhas been found to be compatible with the <br />goals and objectives of the County Solid Waste Master Plan. The <br />County will not give any recommendation until they see this plan in <br />writing. Councilman Dunn will meet with John Madole and Rick Groomes <br />to discuss possible duplication of sites, how this would fit into our <br />composting program and the possibility of bringing Oakdale into this <br />composting program. <br />10. Proposed Amendments to Charitable Gambling Ordinance <br />The proposed amendments to Section 1104 of the Lake Elmo Municipal <br />Code were discussed. The following amendments were approved: <br />1. Limit charitable gambling to permanent, year-round licensed <br />liquor establishments, fraternal organizations or <br />churches all of which are currently established and <br />operating in Lake Elmo. <br />2. Gambling would be restricted in areas specified in permit. <br />3. State Law 7860.0290 - No person under age 18 may conduct or <br />participate in playing the games of pulltabs, tipboards or <br />paddlewheels. <br />4. Upon request, charitable gambling organizations shall provide <br />the City of Lake Elmo with a copy of their reports to the <br />