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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 15, 1986 PAGE 4 <br />State Charitable Gambling Control Board. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to adopt Ordinance No. 7978 amending Section <br />1104 Charitable Gambling of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />11. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Derrick Land Company Fill Permit <br />The City Council reviewed all of the previous information on the <br />Derrick Fill Permit and reviewed the Council Meeting minutes of <br />November 19, 1985 when the permit was issued. One of the conditions <br />of the permit was that if the sites turn out to be not buildable, that <br />they be restored to their pre -fill conditions. The Council decided to <br />put Derrick on notice that prior to November 19, 1986 the City expects <br />Derrick Land Commpany to remove the fill which was placed on the four <br />lots and restore the area to the "original condition as when the plat <br />was accepted by the city" since the percolation tests failed and thus <br />the lots are not considered buildable. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to direct the staff to send a letter to Derrick <br />Land Company indicating that the City Council will not renew the <br />building permit for grading and. filling when it expires on November <br />19, 1986. (Motion carried 14-0). <br />B. Lake Elmo Heights - Partial Release of Escrow <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that the developers for Lake Elmo <br />Heights have entered into a developer's agreement and provided the <br />required letter of credit in the amount of $54,600.00. A substantial <br />portion of the grading and some of the turf restoration has been <br />completed, and the developer has submitted evidence that he has paid <br />his contractors for his work. Bohrer stated that he has reviewed the <br />work and the invoices submitted by the developer and recommends that a <br />partial release of $27,600.00 be paid to the developer. This will <br />leave a remaining balance in the letter of credit of $27,000.00. <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to grant a partial release of the escrow in <br />accordance with the City Engineer's recommendaton. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />12. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Accept 1985 City Audit <br />Voto, Reardon and Tautges have completed their audit of the City's <br />financial records for 1985. The City Council reviewed the Annual <br />Financial Report and suggested that Pages 36 and 37 should be taken <br />into account when the budget is being done. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to accept the 1985 Financial and Management <br />Report as prepared by Voto, Reardon and Tautges. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />