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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 15, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />B. Parks Projects -Parks Commission Recommendations <br />Pebble Park Fountain : The Tri-Lakes Association is still willing to <br />contribute 50 to 500 towards this project. The cost of a <br />vandal -proof fountain is approximately $953.00 and would be located <br />near the northwest corner of the tennis courts. The water in the well <br />needs to be tested to be sure it is still drinkable. There is $5,700 <br />budgeted in the 1985 Parks CIP which should be carried forward to the <br />1986 CIP. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - to use the Parks Capital Inprovement Funds and <br />the Tri-Lakes Associaion donation and proceed with the installation of <br />the Pebble Park Fountain. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Reid Park Softball Infield : The Parks Commission recommended that <br />the infield be left as -is" and to not develop it further. The <br />consensus of the City Council was to not develop the infield because <br />the school district could still use it "as -is" for the present time. <br />Replacement of Old Tractor : Parks Commission members Nancy Hansen and <br />Bill Osborn voiced their concern that the park trails are not being <br />maintained as well as they might be because the City's Massey Ferguson <br />tractor is not safe to operate and cannot cut the desired 4-foot <br />trails in DeMontreville Park. The Maintenance Department recommended a <br />John Deere 950 from Polfus Equipment in New Richmond due to their <br />service, parts and proximity to Lake Elmo. It was suggested that funds <br />could be taken from the Maintenance budget rather than take it all out <br />of the Parks funds. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to authorize the purchase of a John Deere 950 from <br />Polfus Equjpment in New Richmond, with the specific equipment that is <br />absolutely needed for the park, based on the City Maintenance <br />Foreman's and Parks Commission's recommendation. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />C. General Safety Survey of City Facilities <br />The Employee Benefit Administration Company handles the City's <br />insurance coverage with the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance <br />Trust. EBA has inspected the City's Water Treatment Facility, Fire <br />Hall and the City's Maintenance Shop. The recommendations listed in <br />their report dated May 20, 1986 to City Administrator Overby was <br />reviewed. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - to approve purchase and installation of a power <br />roof ventilator and a parts cleaning unit contingent upon the most <br />economical solution to this situation. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. Public Works Department Needs <br />Maintenance Foreman Dan Olinger has indicated the need to purchase the <br />following replacement equipment items: <br />1. New deck for the Toro mower $2,140.00 <br />2. Exhaust muffler for 1-ton truck 50.00 <br />